World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 32

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By 340 AD, it was said that Constantinople, the capital of Emperor Constantius II, became the largest city in the world, taking the lead from Rome, the capital of his brother Constans.
After infighting among the three brothers about territory, and by the influence of the Popes in Rome, who favored the new Roman version of Christianity over Arianism, Constantine II, emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire (Britain, Gaul, the Rhine provinces and Iberia,) and a supporter of Arianism attacked his brother Constans, emperor of the central part of the Roman Empire (Upper Danube, Italy and middle Africa.)

It is said that Constantine II was killed in an ambush, but it was due to political and religious reasons as he failed to follow his father’s footsteps of merging and transforming Christianity into that of hidden Sun worship, a part of the Saturn cult. Constans was thus left as sole ruler of the Western part of the Roman Empire, with his other brother, Constantius II, as emperor of the Eastern portion.

In 341 AD, Emperor Constans banned pagan sacrifices and magic rituals under penalty of death. Meanwhile in Seleucia, Mesopotamia, under the control of Shapur II, king of the Persian Empire, thousands of Christians were executed.

In Africa, Coptic (Orthodox) Christianity, still untouched by Roman influence, continued to spread out of Alexandria and reached Ethiopia.

In 342 AD, Romans led by Emperor Constans once again returned to Britain to fight the Picts, after having had a successful campaign against the Franks.

Meanwhile in Rome, the Senate, in cooperation with the new Roman Church (later to be the Catholic Church,) abolished gay marriage, as these practices of homosexuality was considered as black magic inversion rituals only to be practiced by the elite and they had to follow God’s word in a façade towards the public and act as real Christians, honoring the union of man and woman.

In 343 AD, the Western Roman Emperor Constans I was still in Britain fighting the Picts and the Scots, and it would be the last time a legitimate Roman Emperor would visit Britain.
Meanwhile, the Eastern Roman Emperor Constantius II continued to fight the Persian Empire by campaigning in Adiabene, a vassal kingdom of Armenia (Persian Empire.)

In Rome, Pope Julius I tried to unite the Western bishops against Arianism by convening the Council of Serdika (later Sofia,) which acknowledged the pope’s supreme authority and granted him the right to judge cases involving the legal possession of episcopal sees. This was the start of acknowledging the seat of the Pope in Rome as the supreme power, one of the corner stones of the Catholic Church (The Holy See/See of Rome.) The word ‘see’ is derived from Latin ‘sedes,’’ which in its original sense signifies the seat or chair that, in the case of a bishop, was the earliest symbol of the bishop’s authority.

In 344 AD, according to 12th century legend, Bishop Eustorgius I brought relics of the Three Magi, as in the Biblical Three Wise Men, from Constantinople to Milan. Remember, the three magi announcing the birth of the virgin child Jesus, referred to the three stars of Orion pointing to Sirius. In Freemasonry, Sirius (the Divine Feminine) is the end goal of the Mason’s journey.

In 350 AD, the misrule by Western Roman Emperor Constans I and his open scandalous behavior, including homosexual rituals with ‘handsome barbaric prisoners,’ caught up with him, and one of his generals, Magnentius, was proclaimed Emperor. Constans I fled towards Spain, where he was subsequently assassinated at Castrum Helenae, the resting place of his grandmother.

In 351 AD, the Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus broke out. After his arrival at Antioch, the Jews began a rebellion in Palestine and the entire Roman garrison in the town of Diocesarea was wiped out.
In September, it was said that Constantius II defeated the self-proclaimed Emperor Magnentius along the valley of the Drava. The battle was allegedly one of the bloodiest in Roman military history. However, Magnentius escaped.

In 352 AD, Constantius Gallus sent his general Ursicinus to forcefully put down the Jewish revolt in Palestine. The rebels destroyed the cities Diopolis and Tiberias, while Diocesarea is razed to the ground. Ursicinus then gave the order to kill thousands of Jews, even children. After the revolt, a permanent garrison was stationed in Galilee.

In 353 AD, Emperor Constantius II finally caught up with the usurper Magnentius, who allegedly committed suicide in Gaul in order to avoid capture. Constantius II became the official sole emperor.

Later that year, Constantius assembled a state and Church conference at Arles where he condemned Athanasius as Patriarch of Alexandria. Athanasius was a Coptic (Orthodox) Christian and thus a hindrance for the spread of the new Roman Christianity (as in Catholic.)

By 354 AD, as a result of the armies of the West having been largely withdrawn by the usurper Magnentius in the battle with Constantius II, hordes of barbarians (Franks and Alemanni) crossed the upper Rhine into Gaul and invade the lands of the Helvetians.

In 356 AD, Emperor Constantius II issued a decree banning all non-Christian images and the closing of all remaining pagan temples within the Roman Empire.

In 357 AD, Caesar Julian won an important victory against the Alemanni at Strasbourg, driving the invading tribes back behind the Rhine.

In Rome, the ‘Obelisk of Constantius’ was erected. It was the largest and oldest obelisk (phallus) in Rome, brought to Rome from Egypt and erected on the spina of the Circus Maximus (just as Augustus had done in 10 BC.)
It was made of red granite and was approximately, of course, an occult and symbolic 33 meters high. It dated back to Tuthmoses III (King David) in the fifteenth century BC. This monument was once again a reminder of the real Sun worship taking place among the rulers and the elite behind the façade of Christianity.

In 358 AD, Emperor Constantius II built several new forts to secure upper Mesopotamia. Persia’s king Shapur II sent an emissary to Constantinople where he requested that Constantius returned the lands of his ancestors from the Euphrates to the frontier of Macedonia. Constantius refused.

In 359 AD, King Shapur II of the Persian Empire invaded southern Armenia. The Romans implemented a scorched earth policy and placed strong guards at the Euphrates crossings. A scorched-earth policy is a strategy of destroying everything that allows an enemy to be able to fight an advancing war, including water, food/crops, animals, and any kind of tools and infrastructure.

In 360 AD, Caesar Julius was proclaimed emperor by the Gallic legions in Lutetia (modern Paris.) However, they refused to support the eastern campaign against King Shapur II of Persia.

Meanwhile, The Huns invaded Europe by the thousands, spreading terror as they took over territories held for generations by Alans (eastern Europe/western Asia,) Heruls (Scandinavia/Balkans,) Ostrogoths (Balkans) and Visigoths (Balkans.)

In 361 AD, Emperor Constantius II died of a fever at Mopsuestia in Cilicia, age 44. On his deathbed he declared his cousin Julian the Apostate rightful successor.

In 362 AD, Emperor Julian arrived at Antioch where he secured the co-operation of King Arsaces of Armenia to fight the Persians.

By 363 AD, the Roman forces reached the capital Ctesiphon. King Shapur II in charge of a large Persian army adopted the same scorched earth tactic, leaving the Romans desperately short of supplies.
During the Roman retreat, Julian was mortally wounded in a skirmish and later died. Jovian, general of the Guard, succeeded him and negotiated a disastrous peace with Persia, surrendering four of the five Roman provinces gained by Caesar Galerius in 298 AD, and the cities Nisibis and Singara (Mesopotamia.)

Meanwhile, the Council of Laodicea, which dealt with constricting the conduct of church members, was held in Phrygia Pacatiana (Anatolia, now Asian Turkey.) Again, the Roman version of Christianity was reinforced, forbidding the resting on the Sabbath on Saturdays, restricting Christians to honoring the Lord solely on Sundays (Sun worship, as in honoring Lucifer.)

In early 364 AD, in the aftermath of his disastrous peace treaty, Emperor Jovian was assassinated after only eight months of reign. Valentinian I was proclaimed Emperor by officers of the Roman army. He founded the Valentinianic dynasty and ruled the Western portion of the Roman Empire, from Caledonia (Scotland) to the Rhine frontier, while Valens, his brother, was appointed co-emperor and ruled the Eastern portion of the Roman Empire, from the Danube to the Persian border. Valentinian settled in Paris while Valen began the first anti-pagan persecutions.

In 367 AD, it was said that the ‘Great Conspiracy’ took place in Britain, where the Roman garrison along Hadrian’s Wall rebelled and allowed Picts from Caledonia to enter Britannia. Simultaneously, Attacotti, the Scotti from Hibernia and Saxons from Germania landed on the island’s mid-western and southeastern borders, respectively. The entire western and northern areas of Britannia were overwhelmed; the cities sacked; and the civilian Romano-British murdered, raped, or enslaved.

In 368 AD, the Picts, Scotti and Saxons reached Roman London and plundered the city. The general Theodosius was sent with a relief force to Britannia. By the winter, he managed to drive the invading forces back beyond Hadrian’s Wall.

In 369 AD, Emperor Valen continued his campaigns along the Danube and crossed into Romania. Fritigern became king of the Visigoths and converted to Roman Christianity. Meanwhile, it was said that Count Theodosius brought Britain fully back to the Roman Empire.

Also, Wulfila created a Gothic alphabet composed of letters based on Greek and Roman letters, as well as some Germanic runes. He continued to convert Goths to a mixture of Roman and Arian Christianity. Arian theology holds that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, with the difference that the Son of God did not always exist but was made before “time” by God the Father; therefore, Jesus was not coeternal with God the Father, but nonetheless Jesus began to exist outside time as time applies only to the creations of God.

370 AD marked the year of the beginning Germanic Invasions, as the German people surrounded the north borders of the Roman Empire, while the Huns advancement pushed them ahead by destroying everything in their path.
At the start of the year, the Huns had migrated westward from the Volga into Europe and subjugated the Alans and the Ostrogoths. With their arrival, the composite bows were introduced.

To be continued in the next part.

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