Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

Very Important Information for those interested in real science, and not the pseudoscience pushed by the lying agenda-driven media or the Rockefeller paid and fraudulent “medical science”. The CONvid-1984 virus has never been isolated, nor proven to exist – because no viruses exist outside of our bodies and they can not transmit disease! Wake up people! “None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been […]

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) Read the Full Article »

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 1: your job and vaccines

Let’s start with a major concern – companies trying to get their employees to take the CONvid-1984 maiming vaccine for something that does not exist. First, it’s not a vaccine, it’s an experimental chemical cocktail pretending to be a medical procedure.If they want you to take the ‘vaccine’, do not go beyond your ability – your knowledge, understanding and communication skills of Natural Law. Don’t start with threatening people, don’t do statements, don’t get

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 1: your job and vaccines Read the Full Article »

The most educated people are the most indoctrinated

This is very true and I see it all around me. As for myself, I had to ‘unlearn” more than 17 years of “modern” medical studies, throw away the false germ theory, unlearn most of almost 30 years of nutritional study and much more. I had to face death to realize the truth of the terrain theory, the logic behind German New Medicine, and the power of fasting and animal-based nutrition to heal myself.

The most educated people are the most indoctrinated Read the Full Article »

Thank you for being curious!

I want to thank everyone who likes and comments on my posts and to those hundreds of you who write personal messages thanking me for speaking out about our world and how most of what we thought we knew were wrong. Especially about this fake CONvid-1984 nonsense, the dangers of useless vaccines and face diapers, but also about health, nutrition, our Natural Law and everything else I write about. It makes it all worthwhile.

Thank you for being curious! Read the Full Article »

Vitamin D will not cure the imaginary CONvid-19

I see more idiotic misinformation trending on the interwebs. And NO! Vitamin D will not cure the imaginary CONvid-19 or boost your “immune system”, which does not exist. A lack of sun exposure on the other hand can hinder your detoxification abilities, and thus make you “sick.” And by simply getting enough sun exposure, a minimum of 15 minutes a day of full body tanning, will help your ‘body detoxification pathways’ to function as

Vitamin D will not cure the imaginary CONvid-19 Read the Full Article »

January 26, 2021. Short Fasting Update! And Q&A

I broke my fast yesterday evening, after 78 hours. Why? I desperately longed for hitting the weights again and my foot felt a lot better. So, yesterday evening I had a whey protein drink with raw milk and heavy cream followed by steak and eggs.This morning, all I had was a pre-workout with 20 grams of slow-acting carbohydrates and 20 grams of essential amino acids. The photo was taken about 30 minutes after the

January 26, 2021. Short Fasting Update! And Q&A Read the Full Article »

I will continue to write the truth as I see it

I will continue to write the truth as I see it – from my thousands of hours of research, from my conversations with hundreds of contacts all over the world dating back to 1995, and from my experience in the fields I’ve invested more than 30 years into. I studied ‘western modern medicine’ for 17 years, trying to improve my asthma, allergies and predisposition to get sick several times a year. It did nothing.

I will continue to write the truth as I see it Read the Full Article »

A look into the Secret Societies and the Vision for our World

If you don’t know how the world has been run since the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 where they draw the first draft of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, and what has been happening since then and is going on now, this is a good introduction. The text below is at least 40 years old. An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perceptionThose who will see it will

A look into the Secret Societies and the Vision for our World Read the Full Article »

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