September 2021

September 3, Big Day for a Sun-Worship Ritual and Staged Terrorist Attacks

Tomorrow it will be September 3, or 9/3, as in 93. We know that the sun Is local, but in the Jesuit fake solar system with silly stars and planets, the sun is said to be 93 million miles away, 93 as in September 3. Sun (S=19, U=21, N=14) = 54Jesuit Order: 54Horus: 54 (the Egyptian version of the Sun God)Complete Chaos: 54Mark of the Beast: 54 (many recent rituals have been coded with […]

September 3, Big Day for a Sun-Worship Ritual and Staged Terrorist Attacks Read the Full Article »

666 New Texas Laws on Sept. 1. Another Revelation Ritual

Just like Hurricane Ida was predicted to make a landfall at 12:54, leaving 666 minutes in the day. Or 666 as in the gematric value of vaccination. The satanic globalists are really living it up now! The blind zombies will never see, forever asleep. But we see you clear as day. So, 666 new laws in Texas, the 87th legislature?Number of the Beast = 87 (Reverse Full Reduction) September 1st is the 244th day

666 New Texas Laws on Sept. 1. Another Revelation Ritual Read the Full Article »

Hurricane Ida to cause flooding in the Northeast, as predicted

As I wrote in my first decoding of this man-made hurricane, expect flooding, most likely on September 2nd, as 9/2/2021 = 9+2+20+21 = 52, the number of flooding… Flood: 52Enlil: 52 (the Goddess of flooding)Hurricane: 52 CNN wrote today:“Ida will unleash deadly and damaging flash flooding in Mid-Atlantic and Northeast” And…“The areas of greatest concern include northern Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and eastern West Virginia.” Pretty much what I wrote on August 28 and August

Hurricane Ida to cause flooding in the Northeast, as predicted Read the Full Article »

Virusmania! New 33-strain of COVAIDS found in South Africa and Marburg Bats has risen again!

Not sure if I really need to decode and expose this new fake and imaginary strain of the non-existent covid-19 virus. And while they wait for a letter from the Greek alphabet to name it, they just call it C.1.2 of the Pango lineage… They claim there was a C.1 before this, but that is probably just as much bullshit as this story. It probably went down like this, “uh, the Freemasons told me

Virusmania! New 33-strain of COVAIDS found in South Africa and Marburg Bats has risen again! Read the Full Article »

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