
Shakespeare Dead – Another Jesuit joke

“William Shakespeare, first UK man to get the Depopulation-jab, dead at 81”I touched on this Catholic-Jesuit (Society of Jesus) joke on the English people when vaccination started in the UK, how they mocked us with “Shakespeare” (which actually was the Jesuit philosopher Francis Bacon.) And now, the joke comes to an epic end. As you should know by now, the entire “pandemic” is just a made-up Jesuit plot to further the depopulation part of […]

Shakespeare Dead – Another Jesuit joke Read the Full Article »

Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers

The little Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci claims, “Covid Booster Shot will likely be needed – ‘Within a year or so’.”This is of course predictive programming. They can’t give you Covid shots forever and ever. They need to come up with a new cool name for it. So, why not ‘booster shots’? Let’s break down what this uneducated clown just said, using their choice of language – Gematria. Covid Booster Shot: 88Within a year or

Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Christ the Redeemer Mockery

‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue in Mocking Ritual

They are mocking you! Hinting at Clade X and Event 201!‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue, exactly 377 days after the Face Mask projection! I mentioned this with the face mask projection little over a year ago and that story broke on May 4, 2020. It was promoted by the hashtag #MascaraSalva, which translates to “mask saves”, which they of course do not as proven by real science thousands of times.

‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue in Mocking Ritual Read the Full Article »

Seychelles: 60% has taken the death jab, imaginary infection still rising

This will be a short one, but I can’t skip it because it is important.The Corona Covid-19 Pandemic is entirely fake. And this story is just another way they mock us and condition us to “never feel safe”, always “be afraid”, and that you will need more shots – a decade of vaccines as Bill Gates said in his interviews…We will use Gematria to decode this article. Seychelles: 113Coronavirus Pandemic: 113Jesuits: 113 (Jew Ord)

Seychelles: 60% has taken the death jab, imaginary infection still rising Read the Full Article »

Viruses in the brain, manufactured Viruses, aka. bio-weapons, and other complete nonsense!

I see so much disinformation and stupidity within the lukewarm truther community. Study the Terrain Theory and German New Medicine. It’s all in there. A whole new world will open up and you will see why they LIE about EVERYTHING! Why the deadly Western “Modern” Medicine based on the idiotic germ theory has been in play by the Rockefellers for so long. You cannot get disease from other people. There is no such thing

Viruses in the brain, manufactured Viruses, aka. bio-weapons, and other complete nonsense! Read the Full Article »

Evil Klaus Schwab

World Economic Forum’s Cyber Pandemic 2021 Simulation

Deeply coded as part of their Agenda 21 and 2030 I’ve posted earlier about World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon 2021. This ‘exercise’ will simulate a fictional cyber-attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.” In my old post, I wrote, “This will most likely be their next step towards total control and a ‘reset’ of the economic system.”World Economic Forum was

World Economic Forum’s Cyber Pandemic 2021 Simulation Read the Full Article »

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020

This post is about educating you further about the enormous importance of Gematria and that most “headline events” are staged and scripted.The core belief among all the cabals is that God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word.This knowledge is expressed in the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, or in English, in The Book of Formation. It states that God created his universe by three forms of

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020 Read the Full Article »

Virus shedding from Vaccines and other nonsense

I see a lot of posts with speculation about what can happen to us real organic humans when we have contact with those who have taken the CONvid Vaccine – since they are now modified, that is, ‘transhuman’ or ‘zombies.’ First, there is no such thing as Virus shedding or super-spreaders. That is just more fear-mongering from controlled oppositions. Living beings cannot infect each other with disease. The germ theory (and Virus theory) is

Virus shedding from Vaccines and other nonsense Read the Full Article »

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