The Jesuit Order

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Down!

At about 5.45pm (my estimate), Stockholm/CET time Facebook stopped responding and 10 minutes later their website was unreachable.News Sites report that the outage began at exactly 4.44pm… 444… What a coincidence!!! The outage came the morning after “60 Minutes” aired a segment in which Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen claimed the company is aware of how its platforms are used to spread hate, violence and misinformation, and that Facebook has tried to hide that evidence. Facebook […]

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Down! Read the Full Article »

Low Vaccination Rates in Romania and Bulgaria

It’s October 1st, 2021, the 274th day of the year, leaving 91 days until the end of the year. So, with 91 days remaining, what would be more appropriate than running some fake ‘anti-vax’ and ‘vaccine hesitancy’ stories to discredit people with functional brains and to further their deception – the globalist depopulation agenda? Anti-vax = 91 (English Ordinal)Vaccine Hesitancy = 91 (Reverse Full Reduction)Discredit = 91 (English Ordinal)Deception = 91 (English Ordinal)The Society

Low Vaccination Rates in Romania and Bulgaria Read the Full Article »

Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, say “New World Order” by the script

Kerry Chant is the perfect puppet to mock those who know and understand, while simultaneously making fun of what media call “conspiracy theories”. Her name is a match in eight ciphers with the word ‘conspiracy’!The Jesuit-owned Mainstream Media immediately downplayed her “alleged slip” and reported that this incident had given rise to unfounded “conspiracy theories.” What an easy way to make fun of those who can see while reinforcing the grip on the sheep.

Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, say “New World Order” by the script Read the Full Article »

5.6 billion vaccine doses administrated worldwide. More ‘56’-corona numerology

On September 9, the day formatted as 9/9, or 66 turned upside-down (as in the hanging man), Statista claims that 5.6 billion vaccine doses has been administered worldwide for something that does not exist. This goes hand in hand with my article on the fabricated numbers here in Sweden. Everything is a big fat lie, including their statistics. For them it’s just a way to influence the weak-minded, and more importantly, do their rituals.Remember,

5.6 billion vaccine doses administrated worldwide. More ‘56’-corona numerology Read the Full Article »

Gatekeeper Joe Rogan Allegedly Caught the Fake ‘Rona

Before UFC went mainstream and started with really obvious rigged and staged fights (by the numbers) around 2012, I saw every fight and I really loved MMA. Mainly because I trained some classical martial arts in my young age, and did a lot of combat training in my early 20’s. UFC introduced me to Joe Rogan and when he opened his discussion forums in the early 2000’s we interacted quite a bit for a

Gatekeeper Joe Rogan Allegedly Caught the Fake ‘Rona Read the Full Article »

September 3, Big Day for a Sun-Worship Ritual and Staged Terrorist Attacks

Tomorrow it will be September 3, or 9/3, as in 93. We know that the sun Is local, but in the Jesuit fake solar system with silly stars and planets, the sun is said to be 93 million miles away, 93 as in September 3. Sun (S=19, U=21, N=14) = 54Jesuit Order: 54Horus: 54 (the Egyptian version of the Sun God)Complete Chaos: 54Mark of the Beast: 54 (many recent rituals have been coded with

September 3, Big Day for a Sun-Worship Ritual and Staged Terrorist Attacks Read the Full Article »

New Branch of ISIS Emerges on the Scene to fit their Rituals and Staged Attacks – also more on references to 9/11 and Mithraism

Suddenly a new branch of ISIS, called ‘ISIS-K,’ emerges as an ‘threat’ to the evacuation out of Afghanistan and, a day later, takes responsibility for an alleged (staged) attack. Who/what the heck is ISIS-K?Well, ‘K’ is the eleventh letter, as in 9/11… And if we search the interwebz, Kiro 7 News, claims, “ISIS-K announced its formation in an online video in January 10, 2015”.January 10? As in 10+1 or 11? Just as ‘K’ and

New Branch of ISIS Emerges on the Scene to fit their Rituals and Staged Attacks – also more on references to 9/11 and Mithraism Read the Full Article »

FDA Gives Pfizer Vaccine Full Approval on Kobe Bryants Birthday, and 66 days before Bill Gates 66th Birthday

On August 23rd, the FDA approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and it will now be marketed as ‘Comirnaty’, for the use in individuals 16 years of age and older. The ‘old’ vaccine, still called Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and the only one available, continues to be available under ‘emergency use authorization’ (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age… If you have followed mine and other truther’s work on exposing the fake pandemic,

FDA Gives Pfizer Vaccine Full Approval on Kobe Bryants Birthday, and 66 days before Bill Gates 66th Birthday Read the Full Article »

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