social media

Digital Passports for Social Media – and soon for the Internet…

Well, look at that. It is coming! The internet passport/Digital ID I talked about a year ago and this spring when decoding Cyber Polygon. A digital credit/point system for accessing social media. Australia is already working on it, and you can bet the rest of the world is not far behind. My prediction still stands, that before 2030, you will need a microchip implant, the mark of the beast, to be able to access […]

Digital Passports for Social Media – and soon for the Internet… Read the Full Article »

Next on the Agenda: Cyber Pandemics!

Yes, The World Economic Forum (WEF) are at it again, showing us in plain sight what they have in store for us next, i.e., Revelation of the Method. Remember Event 201 and Clade-X before that? Event 201 was an ‘exercise’ organized in October 2019 to simulate what might happen if there was a severe Corona pandemic. That event was hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic

Next on the Agenda: Cyber Pandemics! Read the Full Article »

What can we do in the fight for our freedom?

That is one of the questions I see the most when we uncover and expose controlled opposition, the meddling of the cabal, and all their staged events. First, I have been researching truths since 1998 and I base all my findings and information on these 23 years of experience. Also, I only present information to shake you out of your slumber, to get you to ask questions, and to get you to do your

What can we do in the fight for our freedom? Read the Full Article »

How I lead my life

How I lead my life Part 1: the daily structure and my rules for living by Joachim Bartoll, January 1, 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter, March 2016 (issue #18) Over the last year, I’ve got dozens of questions about how I structure my days and if I have any valuable tips and strategies to keep productive, lean, healthy and fit in my forties.So, I decided to make a little series about the structure of my typical

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