Skull and Bones

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2

This article series was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as believing in mass and school shootings, The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the staged war in Ukraine.I might come back and update this series, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some copy-paste […]

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

‘That ’70s Show’ Actor Danny Masterson’s Degrading Masonic Rape Ritual

I had no idea who this cockwomble was until CNN, FOX News, and some other lamestream controlled and fake media outlets made him frontpage news after writing about his Masonic humiliating, degrading, and advancement ritual, which in this case, allegedly consisted of being guilty of rape on two of three counts. As you should know by now, everything on the world stage and anything that get big headlines is staged, scripted, and carried out

‘That ’70s Show’ Actor Danny Masterson’s Degrading Masonic Rape Ritual Read the Full Article »

AI Predictive Programming Continues as Industry and “Researchers” Sign Statement of “Extinction” Risk

Yes, the predictive programming and conditioning of the ‘Terminator,’ and similar movies, has without a doubt had its effect on the general public. And in an attempt to make us believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more advanced that it is, to further the transhumanism agenda, the hidden powers have now made the AI-industry, their “researchers,” “academics” and retarded celebrities make a statement to “mitigate” the threat and risk of human extinction from AI.

AI Predictive Programming Continues as Industry and “Researchers” Sign Statement of “Extinction” Risk Read the Full Article »

CNN Writes About Non-Existing HMPV, the “Virus” You’ve Never Heard Of

The programming of the dumbed down masses continues as Jesuit-controlled CNN, on May 29, tried their best to scare you of yet another totally fake and non-existent virus. As we said before, if you do not understand that viruses and the theory of transmittable diseases are silly fiction after living through the staged and fake pandemic, you are as gullible as they come – and your discernment and inference skills are non-existent, just as

CNN Writes About Non-Existing HMPV, the “Virus” You’ve Never Heard Of Read the Full Article »

Tina Turner, Murder by Numbers, Dead at 83

According to her manager, Turner died this Wednesday at her home in Küsnacht near Zurich, Switzerland, after ‘long illness,’ which usually means that her death date was planned long in advance. She was 83, the murder number. Murder = 83 Headlines are frequently calling her a ‘legendary singer’ and a ‘resilient singer.’ As you know, the music industry is controlled by the Order of the Illuminati, and when you’re a celebrity, your death or

Tina Turner, Murder by Numbers, Dead at 83 Read the Full Article »

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

On May 22, during the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, the head of the World Health Organization warned that the world must prepare for the next pandemic, which could be “even deadlier” than the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, anyone with a brain now knows that the COVID-19 pandemic was staged, that it was totally faked. This is a no-brainer as contagion, the alleged transmission of “disease,” has been debunked for over 100 years.

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Read the Full Article »

May 15, Mainstream Fake News Dominated by Mercuralia

Mercuralia, also known as the Festival of Mercury, was a Roman celebration celebrated on May 15 in honor of the god Mercury, who was the god of merchants and commerce. Since Rome never ceased to exist but simply turned into the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order, who still controls most of everything in this world, such a celebration did not go unnoticed in the scripted mainstream media. Before diving into Mercuralia, we

May 15, Mainstream Fake News Dominated by Mercuralia Read the Full Article »

Mommy Blogger Heather Armstrong Reported Dead by Suicide at 47

Heather Armstrong, an American blogger from Salt Lake City, Utah, whose blog ‘Dooce’ popularized mommy blogging in the early 2000’s, has allegedly died from suicide. She was 47, which of course, when associated with death, is the number of suicide. Suicide = 47, 47 Heather was born on July 19, 1975, and she died on May 9, exactly a Jesuit 42-weeks on the day after her last 47th birthday. She called herself ‘Dooce,’ and

Mommy Blogger Heather Armstrong Reported Dead by Suicide at 47 Read the Full Article »

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