September 11

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia

This weekend has been rather busy with ongoing psy-ops and scripted events. Unfortunately, I’m very short on time as I have clients in need of my immediate help, so this will be a simple recap of the two biggest events. In the last two days, the media has brewed a new conflict between Israel and Iran. And this morning, April 14, 2024, Israel that was founded on May 14, 1948, turned 911 months old, […]

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia Read the Full Article »

The Osama bin Laden Letter and the 9/11 Ritual

According to media outlets such as Fox News, the “Islamic jihadist” who “organized” the 9/11 “attacks” against Americans over 20 years ago, has been back in the headlines this week after his “Letter to America” picked up attention on TikTok and other social media. Hopefully, by now in 2023, most people with any kind of discernment should know that the ‘9/11 Twin Towers ritual’ was a planned demolition of an empty building built for

The Osama bin Laden Letter and the 9/11 Ritual Read the Full Article »

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 30, was a day with some special date-numerology, including that of 9, 11, 47, 63 and 83. Putting 9 and 11 together should be self-explanatory, as it reads as their hoax-code of 9/11, something that is tied to staged events within the realm of war and terrorism psy-ops, like the staged demolition of the Twin Towers and now the ongoing staged and fake war between Israel and Hamas. 63 is 6+3, as

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 8

In the first part we took a quick look at the Tree of Life, used in Kabbalism, that is divided into 10 spheres, or ‘sephiroth,’ where the planets stand for different planes of existence. Part 1 covered Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, (Pluto,) and Jupiter. Part 2 covered Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury. And part 3 covered the Moon and the Earth.In part 4 we began our journey into the 12 zodiac signs with Aries,

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 8 Read the Full Article »

Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns

As a continuation of the earlier train derailments and the fake toxic spill in Ohio, the last week has been filled with conditioning and training for the looming climate lockdowns as alleged wild fires broke out in Canada on June 2nd, and New York was covered in smoke on June 6 – the launch date of the highly satanic and ‘anticipated’ video game Diablo IV. As you know, there are no coincidences on the

Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns Read the Full Article »

The Death Ritual of Kanye West’s Mother as he Allegedly Tells Us About Ritual Sacrifice

There’s so much shenanigans going on upon the world stage it’s hard to keep up. A couple of days ago, puppet Kanye West who plays the role of the disobedient ‘whistleblower’ and a far-right superhero, said that his mother was sacrificed by the secret societies. And then he went on and said that they can control Shaquille O’Neal, Charles Barkley, LeBron James, and Jay-Z and Beyoncé, but they can’t control him. And gullible right-wingers

The Death Ritual of Kanye West’s Mother as he Allegedly Tells Us About Ritual Sacrifice Read the Full Article »

The Witch-Hunt for Truthers is Escalating: Walled Lake Man, Oakland, Allegedly Killed Wife and Shot Daughter After Falling Into “Crazy Ideas” and “Conspiracy Theories” From QAnon

These kinds of fabricated and fake psychological operations are slowly popping up all over the United States, as I have covered in several previous articles. It’s very clever as it reinforces the division of the fake left and right, and the non-tolerance for anything they deem ‘extremist’ and ‘conspiracy’ related. Also, as most people are dumbed down sleeping sheep, they cannot differentiate between their own government’s psy-op of Q, or ‘QAnon,’ and actual real

The Witch-Hunt for Truthers is Escalating: Walled Lake Man, Oakland, Allegedly Killed Wife and Shot Daughter After Falling Into “Crazy Ideas” and “Conspiracy Theories” From QAnon Read the Full Article »

September 11, Psy-Ops, and the Swedish Parliament Election

Today, September 11, marks the 21-year anniversary of one of the previous largest staged psychological operations, as in the government-controlled demolition of the Twin Towers – long before the fake coronavirus plandemic and the staged fake war in Ukraine. Yet, it was an important piece in the surveillance puzzle, the blaming game of false flag operations, and to keep people divided and suspicious of each other. 9/11 is very symbolic for the hidden hand

September 11, Psy-Ops, and the Swedish Parliament Election Read the Full Article »

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