Truther Chickenfeed: The Fabricated Jeffrey Epstein Documents

The ultimate chickenfeed just got sprinkled all over gullible baby truthers in the form of yet another dragged out chapter of the Jeffrey Epstein psy-op. The CIA-doctored “Epstein Documents” allegedly got “unsealed…” and behold, it revealed an enormous nothingburger with world-stage names such as Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew; names that has already been connected to the psy-ops for years. If you haven’t been keeping up for the last 10 years or so, Jeffrey […]

Truther Chickenfeed: The Fabricated Jeffrey Epstein Documents Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 4

In part 3 the younger ‘demigods’ of the Cain-bloodlines rebelled against their overlords in Atlantis and settled a new civilization in old Lemuria where they shared forbidden technology and rituals with the human race. This was symbolic to that of the renegade group of fallen angels led by Lucifer and the consuming of the fruit of the Tree of knowledge. Rulers, classes, and slavery becomes the norm and from rock art, human-made markings on

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 4 Read the Full Article »

Word Stage Actor Donald Trump Indicted by Manhattan Grand Jury (Skull and Bones Freemasonry Ritual)

On March 30, 2023, Trump faces more than ‘30’ counts related to business fraud in an indictment from a Manhattan grand jury, according to the media. 30 counts on the 30th day of the month. Also, March 30, as in 3/30 is simply ‘33,’ the highest degree within Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Well, I guess we’re off to a good start on this one. Remember, the arrest that Trump cried out about on Truth

Word Stage Actor Donald Trump Indicted by Manhattan Grand Jury (Skull and Bones Freemasonry Ritual) Read the Full Article »

Puppet Trump Visited East Palestine, Ohio, and ‘Revived’ Agenda 47

As you know, Donald Trump is nothing but an actor, a puppet on the world stage, used for division in the fake left wing vs. right wing of silly politics. And some even claim that he has been portrayed by two different actors wearing body suits, depending on whether he’s wearing the red or blue tie – as his ‘orangeness,’ ‘facial features,’ and ‘fatness’ seems to vary a bit between the two. Who knows?

Puppet Trump Visited East Palestine, Ohio, and ‘Revived’ Agenda 47 Read the Full Article »

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco

The World Stage puppet and actor Elon Musk continues to be in the spotlights all while being portrayed as some kind of conservative lukewarm baby-truther and free speech champion to gain trust among the weak-minded half-asleep masses, especially among those that are tucked-in beneath the right-wing of the puppet-master’s bird – all while the nutcases that are crouching beneath the left-wing are screaming for attention like hungry little baby birds. Of course, this story

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco Read the Full Article »

Fake and Staged Shooting at Club Q, Colorado Springs, to Further Division and Hatred — Updated 2

Again, we have another totally fake and staged shooting. This time it’s at a gay nightclub, fittingly named “Club Q” to mock the sleeping sheep, as this “shooting” is meant to make the right look dangerous – as I have covered in the new narrative that was implemented on August 16. As there has previously been protests against drag queens, and this club had such a show planned for Sunday (according to the media,)

Fake and Staged Shooting at Club Q, Colorado Springs, to Further Division and Hatred — Updated 2 Read the Full Article »

IPM: Who is Q? The Truth Revealed

This story and the video below ties back to what I have written about Q and similar psy-ops in the past, especially in this very important post: In that post, I mentioned Marcus Goldfinch of George News, who had been exposed several years prior by Tim Ozman of Infinite Plane Media. George News served as a front for “Q”, who emerged from the “Anonymous Charity” or “Collective Q” persona, formerly known as MGTV. Since

IPM: Who is Q? The Truth Revealed Read the Full Article »

Musk, Conservatives, Pelosi Conspiracy, Disaster Trolls, and the Infodemic — And Elon’s Halloween Costume

One of the silliest scripted stories this last week was that of the staged and utterly fake Pepe the Frog ‘hammer’ attack on Paul Pelosi. We who can see tore it apart, and it was so bad that it could classify as an IQ-test for only the dumbest of the NPC’s. Still, media pushed the story for days, and still do, and recently they used their controlled opposition and puppet Elon Musk to further

Musk, Conservatives, Pelosi Conspiracy, Disaster Trolls, and the Infodemic — And Elon’s Halloween Costume Read the Full Article »

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