Psychological Warfare

How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished

Today we return to Science Daily, a.k.a, Pseudo-Science Daily, another shithole for summarizing useless and backwards studies from the inverted and evil medical field as well as the non-existing field of “nutritional science.” However, this time they kind of exposed one of their many ways to keep the population malnourished, weak, and dumbed down. Let’s see what they have to say. “Childhood obesity rates have been increasing year on year, with government pledges and […]

How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished Read the Full Article »

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 2

This is the second part of many where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation, keeping you running in circles.The previous part, with the introduction to opposites, psychological operations and controlled opposition, and where we cover 5G, Adrenochrome, the Bilderberg Group, the Deep State, and Flat Earth can be found here: With that out of the way, let’s

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

CDC and Similar Evil Organizations Making People Severely Ill by Fear and Worry

Visiting any social media page or feed of CDC, WHO, or any of these evil organizations, is like being thrown into Kubrick’s adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange, a film about MK Ultra; as in mind control and conditioning, very much like mainstream media, but centered on the fears and worry about health and disease. They serve only to keep the false germ theory and virology alive, making it possible to

CDC and Similar Evil Organizations Making People Severely Ill by Fear and Worry Read the Full Article »

September 11, Psy-Ops, and the Swedish Parliament Election

Today, September 11, marks the 21-year anniversary of one of the previous largest staged psychological operations, as in the government-controlled demolition of the Twin Towers – long before the fake coronavirus plandemic and the staged fake war in Ukraine. Yet, it was an important piece in the surveillance puzzle, the blaming game of false flag operations, and to keep people divided and suspicious of each other. 9/11 is very symbolic for the hidden hand

September 11, Psy-Ops, and the Swedish Parliament Election Read the Full Article »

Covid-19 Restrictions Dropping World-Wide as Year of the Tiger Gets Underway

On September 20, the Jesuit puppet Bill Gates said that the staged and fake coronavirus pandemic would be with us until 2022. Then on December 7, Bill made the prediction that the “acute phase” would end in early 2022. This ‘prediction’ was connected, just as the start of the pandemic that originated in China, to the Year of the Tiger. And here we are, just a few days into the new Chinese Year that

Covid-19 Restrictions Dropping World-Wide as Year of the Tiger Gets Underway Read the Full Article »

The Delmicron Psychological Operation

While it does not exist, the purpose of spreading this imaginary tale of a new non-existent virus combination of Delta and Omicron was simply to condition people of new lies to come, to keep them in fear, to bombard them with lies of worse scenarios to fuel this fake pandemic and the vaccinations. It’s simply psychological warfare. Repeat the lie of viruses and fake and staged pandemic, and the masses will believe it. Instill

The Delmicron Psychological Operation Read the Full Article »

Auto-Hoaxing, Staged Events, False Flags, and Psy-Ops – What is Real, What is Fake?

I’ve touched briefly on this several times in various articles. Still, there seem to be a lot of confusion about all these scripted events presented by the media. First, any event that is being covered by the media can either be semi-real with a twisted story to fit their agendas or totally fake, as in made up by the police and government officials, it can also be staged, like a drill, using government agents,

Auto-Hoaxing, Staged Events, False Flags, and Psy-Ops – What is Real, What is Fake? Read the Full Article »

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