
World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

This story was one of the trending stories on FOX News, CBS News, Time Magazine, BBC, The Guardian, CNN and many more yesterday, and according to the media, the 43-year-old actress has been “battling” breast cancer since April 2023. As I’ve explained in previous articles, cancer has nothing to do with the pseudo-science of “genetics,” nor hormones or simply cells going rogue, mutating all over the place. Cancer, as in forming tumors, is simply […]

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Read the Full Article »

Leave The World Behind and “Predictive Programming”

I guess I had to mention this atrocious piece of “movie” sooner or later as my ‘social media feeds’ are still clogged up by it. And yes, I painfully watched it solely for the symbolism and the baby-truthers yelling “predictive programming.” The movie is extremely coded and deeply satanic, as expected when directed by American Film Institute Conservatory trained Sam Esmail and produced by Barack and Michelle Obama through their Higher Ground Productions company.

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What Food Cravings Actually Mean

Today we’re heading back to the most visited health website on the ‘Interplebs,’, as I discovered that they have an article on ‘food cravings’ and they made a complete mess of it.Simply going through the headlines of their nutrition articles has my disinformation and bullshit alarm going haywire. This website is criminally incorrect on most things related to “nutrition,” a pseudo-science that in reality should be really simple, which we will get to.

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 2

In the first part we took a quick look at the basis of mind control and the education system, which we will revisit later on. We also looked at the early history of the development of more modern tools of control. In this part, we will continue our historical exploration to better understand how the public has slowly been deceived, dumbed down, conditioned and programmed – and also by whom and why. As you

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 1

To better understand why the big masses, the NPC, behave like they do, and why even baby-truthers defend obvious actors, controlled opposition, and agents like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or even Mel Gibson or Keanu Reeves, we need to understand the concept of mind control, how the control system rule through the mind. As far back as we can tell, humans have been taught and conditioned to worship any form of ‘God’ as something

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Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns

As a continuation of the earlier train derailments and the fake toxic spill in Ohio, the last week has been filled with conditioning and training for the looming climate lockdowns as alleged wild fires broke out in Canada on June 2nd, and New York was covered in smoke on June 6 – the launch date of the highly satanic and ‘anticipated’ video game Diablo IV. As you know, there are no coincidences on the

Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns Read the Full Article »

This is NOT Food! If You’re Struggling to Get by Financially, Focus on Real Food!

As the cost of ‘food,’ ‘electricity,’ and simply the cost of living have dramatically increased during the last year, I see a lot of people struggling to make ends meet. This simple fact should make food choices much more important, cutting out obvious bad nutritionally deprived junk, but for most it doesn’t. Unfortunately, people have been programmed and dumbed down with the common belief that anything you put in your pie hole is food

This is NOT Food! If You’re Struggling to Get by Financially, Focus on Real Food! Read the Full Article »

Transgender Navy SEAL Kristin Beck Converts Back to Chris Beck: ‘Destroyed My Life’

This breaking story on Fox News is a perfect example of opposite poles on the same axis, how they in power control and play both sides of any movement or group. And while the message might seem good-natured; that changing your sex and destroying your God-given body, acting out against nature and creation will destroy your life, it will have zero impact on the satanic Baphomet movement of transgenderism. Actually, most likely it will

Transgender Navy SEAL Kristin Beck Converts Back to Chris Beck: ‘Destroyed My Life’ Read the Full Article »

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