
Olive Oil Coffee — How To Destroy Your Health While Gagging

There are bad ideas and then there are really bad ideas. For the latter, we recently got a perfect example from the Verywell Health writer Stephanie Brown. In her recent personal blog post, she tells us about her experiences with “olive oil coffee,” and rest assured, her experiences were “fact checked” by Nick Blackmer. So, this has to be some real serious stuff as their “fact” checkers have been all over it. Let’s get on […]

Olive Oil Coffee — How To Destroy Your Health While Gagging Read the Full Article »

How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished

Today we return to Science Daily, a.k.a, Pseudo-Science Daily, another shithole for summarizing useless and backwards studies from the inverted and evil medical field as well as the non-existing field of “nutritional science.” However, this time they kind of exposed one of their many ways to keep the population malnourished, weak, and dumbed down. Let’s see what they have to say. “Childhood obesity rates have been increasing year on year, with government pledges and

How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished Read the Full Article »

Monkeypox Does Not Exist! Viruses And Contagion Does Not Exist!

And here’s another article I was hoping I would not have to write. Alas, most baby-troofers fell hook, line, and sinker for this one as government shills began spreading false memes on social media — which of course, was shared by said gullible wanna-be troofers. It’s been a little more than two years since this fake and non-existent Monkeypox roared its ugly monkey-face, and it’s been over four years since the super-silly Coronavirus Covid-19

Monkeypox Does Not Exist! Viruses And Contagion Does Not Exist! Read the Full Article »

Trump Shooting: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 and Staged Fake Events

For the first time ever, my Facebook social media feed has actually had more people pointing out that the assassination attempt on Trump was staged and fake, than people claiming that it was real. However, the majority of my feed is made up of people waking up, as in newbie truthers and, of course, some veteran truthers that are contributing as well. Still, looking at platforms such as X, the vast majority of people

Trump Shooting: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 and Staged Fake Events Read the Full Article »

Mental Health Destroyer: Going to Bed Late

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of many shill websites that are in bed with our charlatan governments and Big Pharma, and thus promotes the inverted and pseudo-scientific approach to healthcare, medical science and treatment we see in today’s backward society. Most of the time they are completely wrong, or they twist the truth to fit the narrative. This time however, the article actually has a correct message, as in the fact

Mental Health Destroyer: Going to Bed Late Read the Full Article »

The Enslavement Agenda: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

While UN’s Agenda 21, based on lies and pseudo-science, was signed on April 12, 1992, by 6400 local governments in 113 countries, and later transformed into Agenda 2030, which slowly impacted the “climate strategy” and “sustainability” nonsense of whole countries, there are several other climate-hoax projects running parallel. One of those are the ‘C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,’ which was created in October 2005 by Mayor Ken Livingstone of London and Jewish mind-controlled political

The Enslavement Agenda: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Read the Full Article »

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

The ’Go Forth and Set the World on Fire’ Ritual Outside Trump’s Trial — Updated

If you know your history, this little ritualistic stunt should be a no-brainer. Yesterday, Friday, a man allegedly from Florida set himself on fire in a park outside of the NYC Courthouse where the trial of Donald Trump was being held. This ‘fire stunt’ took place on April 19, on the anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola becoming the first Superior General of the Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church

The ’Go Forth and Set the World on Fire’ Ritual Outside Trump’s Trial — Updated Read the Full Article »

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