
Truther Chickenfeed: The Fabricated Jeffrey Epstein Documents

The ultimate chickenfeed just got sprinkled all over gullible baby truthers in the form of yet another dragged out chapter of the Jeffrey Epstein psy-op. The CIA-doctored “Epstein Documents” allegedly got “unsealed…” and behold, it revealed an enormous nothingburger with world-stage names such as Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew; names that has already been connected to the psy-ops for years. If you haven’t been keeping up for the last 10 years or so, Jeffrey […]

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Elon Musk Boosts the Social Media Hyped ‘Pizzagate’ CIA Psy-Op

Gullible Baby Truthers rejoiced on social media as their false Messiah and elitist puppet Elon Musk, as mainstream media went totally bats, boosted a post on X featuring the retarded ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy theory. As always, the Baby Truthers, often trapped within the elite’s CIA instigated ‘Trump’ and ‘Q-movement,’ fail to recognize the simple concept of opposites; that the mainstream media, the alternate media, and the controlled opposition and gatekeepers, such as Elon Musk, all

Elon Musk Boosts the Social Media Hyped ‘Pizzagate’ CIA Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 15

In part 14 we reached the growth of the ancient Greek empire as a military power with Tribe of Dan, as the Aeolians, moving from Asia minor (present-day Turkey) to the region of Lacedaemon where they built the city of Sparta. With trauma-based mind-control and perverted rituals, they built an unrivalled military force. With heavy Egyptian influence, Saturn became Kronos, Atem became Zeus, Osiris became Dionysus, and Horus became Apollo.Dionysus played an important role

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 12

In part 11 we continued with the story of Akhenaten/Moses and his followers; the Habiru/Hebrew, the Levites, and the Sun/RA (Saturn) worshipping Aten-priests, who became the Israelites (Is-RA-elites) and their worship of Aten, the Sun God and Solar Disk (Saturn) transformed into Judaism.Akhenaten tries to regain his Kingdom in Egypt, but is once again chased away by Ramses and Seti who controls the Egyptian military. However, Akhenaten manages to spread his hybrid Aryan- and

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The Gay-Transgender Agenda: Miss Netherlands 2023 is a Man

Be warned, I will hold no punches today, this is simply too important for the future of our children as they are constantly being attacked by this Luciferian agenda. Anyone who are okay with this gay-transgender obscenity, or even think that it’s “beautiful” and “open-minded,” has been successfully brainwashed, successfully ridden of any sound, healthy and natural values, and has actually been turned into a Luciferian sheep who is secretly worshipping the androgynous image

The Gay-Transgender Agenda: Miss Netherlands 2023 is a Man Read the Full Article »

The Sound of Freedom – Disinformation and Desensitization Propaganda

I should really not have to write this, as it should be very obvious to anyone with a tiny bit of discernment and common sense. Still, I see people sharing posts about this movie as if it exposes ‘child sex trafficking’ and secret “truths.” Well, we already know that child trafficking is a thing, and that’s about it. For those unfamiliar with this movie, ‘The Sound of Freedom,’ released on July 4, is a

The Sound of Freedom – Disinformation and Desensitization Propaganda Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 18

While 2018 was a year of staged and fake terror attacks in Europe, it was also the year of the green agenda, the climate change hoax, and the rise of the mind-controlled actress, the transgender girl symbolizing the child Horus in Crowley’s Aeon of Horus, and new icon for the Green Climate Change (CC = 33) Agenda, Greta Thunberg. 2018 was also the year when the old mind-control tool of ‘Veganism’ roared its ugly

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 16

2016 was the year of the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election and the big Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump ritual that brought us the Pizzagate psy-op. Donald Trump was promoted as an outsider playing on the false hope narrative. With the Trump family ties to the Ku Klux Klan, he was scripted to announce the idea of building a wall against the immigration from Mexico, so the left-wing media could brand him as a

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