
First Two U.S. Cases of NON-Existent Monkeypox in Children

Well, look at that. The day after they revived the Polio hoax in the media, they now tell us that two unrelated cases of ‘Monkeypox’ has been confirmed in the U.S. Supposedly, they have pinned this silly diagnose on a toddler in California and an infant who is not a US resident, according to “health authorities.” Some media websites also make sure to mention that this supposedly is a ‘growing outbreak.’ Although it’s meant […]

First Two U.S. Cases of NON-Existent Monkeypox in Children Read the Full Article »

Covid-19 “Public Health Emergency” Extended in the US – And Omicron BA.75 “Centaurus” is ‘Ludicrous’

Here comes the third, “we told you so,” and that in the span of just a few days. The Biden administration is binding time by extending the ‘public health emergency’ over something that does not exist with another three months. And it’s all scripted and done by the numbers, they way they always do it. October 13 leaves 79 remaining days in the year and this is about the ‘Public Health Emergency’ declaration first

Covid-19 “Public Health Emergency” Extended in the US – And Omicron BA.75 “Centaurus” is ‘Ludicrous’ Read the Full Article »

Sweden is Ramping Up the Hysteria of the Fake Covid-19 Once Again

Remember my article from July 7 titled “The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming?” Well, if not you can read it here: It goes hand-in-hand with my earlier decode of the fall-guy and Jesuit puppet Joe Biden and his brilliant statement from June 21 that the second pandemic is coming. For a couple of weeks, we have noticed signs here in Sweden that they are trying to give this fake pandemic a second run – and

Sweden is Ramping Up the Hysteria of the Fake Covid-19 Once Again Read the Full Article »

The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming

While we have been ‘distracted’ and mentally teared down with psy-ops and false flags such as the fake war in Ukraine, daily shootings (and even bombings,) while the cost of living have slowly gone up every month and food-farms and facilities have been burning, they have also been working hard in the shadows to prepare another staged and totally fake pandemic.Question is, will it be another imaginary strain of ‘CONvid-19,’ or will they use

The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Says Second Pandemic is Coming, Vaccination of Toddlers Begins, and Pseudo-Scientists Talks About Coronavirus ‘Subvariants’ That Escape “Antibodies”

Do not think for one second that it’s over. The never-ending story of lies and deceit continues. On the Summer Solstice, June 21, puppet Joe Biden said that they need funding to fight Covid-19 as a ‘second pandemic’ is coming. Well, thank you ‘Mr. Obvious.’ As long as the dumbed down sleeping masses believe in the virus lie, this act of terror, this act of war on the people, will continue. At the same

Joe Biden Says Second Pandemic is Coming, Vaccination of Toddlers Begins, and Pseudo-Scientists Talks About Coronavirus ‘Subvariants’ That Escape “Antibodies” Read the Full Article »

June 17 Propaganda: Shanghai’s 70-Day Lockdown

On June 17 and into June 18, one third of CNN’s homepage was plastered by this stupid and fabricated propaganda story. First with the headline, “Trapped in Shanghai as Covid Cases Rose,” and then with the headline, “Shanghai Surprise.”I guess the first one with the trigger-word “CONvid” in it did not get enough clicks, as people are starting to realize that it was all staged, a scam. This fabricated story is all about keeping

June 17 Propaganda: Shanghai’s 70-Day Lockdown Read the Full Article »

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery

There is actually one positive thing about this absurdity, and that is that I see a lot more people on social media actually laughing and pointing out how fabricated and fake this “Monkeypox” outbreak is. More and more people are waking up, more and more are questioning the narrative, and many have had enough of the lies and deceit. For the last couple of days, this monkey business has been lurking in the media

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery Read the Full Article »

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984

So, the vaccine-puppet and ‘pandemic expert,’ who recently wrote the book, ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,’ still got a virus that does not exist. Do you see the irony and mocking in this story if their lies actually would be true, that viruses really would exist? A pandemic is defined by people getting a disease. To stop such a silly scenario, you need to prevent people from getting that imaginary disease. Still, the

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

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