FDA Approves Pseudo-Science “Gene Therapies” for “Sickle Cell” in Racism Ritual

Here we go again with the speculative and theoretical “science” of the genome, mRNA, RNA and DNA. Alleged parts of us that has never been proven to exist or function as described, and are simply based on flawed and backward theories, built from ignorant interpretations of totally useless and distorted images taken by electron microscopes. Even the images said to be of the ribosome is actually gas bubbles stained with dye from the extremely […]

FDA Approves Pseudo-Science “Gene Therapies” for “Sickle Cell” in Racism Ritual Read the Full Article »

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1

This will be a little series of articles where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation. Before we dive into the list, let’s do a quick recap of how the world actually works. What most people think is real and what they believe is going on in the world, is actually most of the time staged, scripted and

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

Ye, Kanye West, Claims Elon Musk is a Clone, Engineered Like Obama

Ye, aka., Kanye West, continues to throw out small baits of old ‘conspiracy theories’ to lure in the baby truthers to put him on a pedestal as ‘the real deal’ – and many will swallow it, hook, line and sinker. We already know that he is controlled opposition, just an actor playing his part by the script on the world stage. Question is, is there any small fragment of truth in these statements? That

Ye, Kanye West, Claims Elon Musk is a Clone, Engineered Like Obama Read the Full Article »

Bill Gates Allegedly Cancelling His Holiday Plans – Major Ritual

The Jesuit puppet and vaccine frontman (woman) Bill Gates first tweeted about imaginary and nonexistent Omicron and cancelling his holiday plans on December 21. Then he was interviewed (of course) by CNN on December 22 – all part of a propaganda and programming of the sheep ritual done by the numbers. The original Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. That means that the interview on December 22 came exactly on his 56th

Bill Gates Allegedly Cancelling His Holiday Plans – Major Ritual Read the Full Article »

CDC recommends Pfizer & Moderna vaccines over J&J’s in Another Jesuit Ritual

As with all previous votes for recommendation or authorization, CDC follow their tradition of performing heavily coded rituals, as we easily can see using numerology and gematria. These votes are nothing more than a ritual, following the pre-planned script. It’s all theatre and part of the New World Order agenda. This story broke on December 16, 2021, when there was 15 days remaining in the year. The alleged vote was 15-0. The staged and

CDC recommends Pfizer & Moderna vaccines over J&J’s in Another Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

Vaccine maims and kills

Heart Inflammation in Young Adults and Children, Following the Covid-19 Vaccination

Vaccination side-effects reported in mainstream media? Yes, of course. They always play both sides – they control the opposition. It’s the best way to please those who are against the mass-murder experiment shot while being able to plant seeds of misinformation, keep the real and much higher numbers of maimed people hidden, and strengthen the stance of “whistleblowers” who are in fact, controlled opposition. I will do a very quick decode of this story

Heart Inflammation in Young Adults and Children, Following the Covid-19 Vaccination Read the Full Article »

Worse Side-Effects after Vaccination if you already have had the imaginary Covid-19 – and why are elderly dying?

Oh, you don’t say!“Worse side-effects from the vaccine for those who have had CONAIDS-1984”. First, there is no virus! No virus has ever been isolated, proven to exist or capable of transmitting disease. It’s all a big scam!Now, the flu or the Corona Covid-19 that they’ve renamed it to, is simply a normal cleansing procedure by your body once you have accumulated too much toxins and crap that is hurting your body. This detoxifying

Worse Side-Effects after Vaccination if you already have had the imaginary Covid-19 – and why are elderly dying? Read the Full Article »

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