
Moderna Next in Line to Maim, Sterilize, and Kill Your Children

In the footsteps of Pfizer, who are about to get their shot approved for children by the FDA and claimed that their vaccine is 93% effective in maiming your kids, Moderna is now claiming that their vaccine is just as efficient. Efficient in maiming, sterilizing and killing that is, but that’s in the fine print – only for a selected few to know, and for us with eyes to see. Not for the sleeping […]

Moderna Next in Line to Maim, Sterilize, and Kill Your Children Read the Full Article »

Propaganda by the Numbers: Pfizer Vaccine Allegedly 93% Effective Among Children

Well, just breathing is 100% effective in preventing Covid-19 hospitalization, because it does not exist. But let’s humor these satanic bastards, decoding their silly lies using Gematria; their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word. The headline claims: “Pfizer vaccine is 93% effective in preventing Covid-19 hospitalization among adolescents, CDC study finds” How did

Propaganda by the Numbers: Pfizer Vaccine Allegedly 93% Effective Among Children Read the Full Article »

SICKENING! Pfizer seek U.S. Covid-19 Vaccine approval for Children 5-11

This is a follow-up on my article “As Predicted – They Are Going After Our Children” from September 21. On September 20, Pfizer mentioned that their maiming, sterilizing, and deadly vaccine “works” (as in killing) for children ages 5 to 11, and that they will seek U.S. authorization for this age group. On October 7, several news stories broke claiming that Pfizer had moved forward, seeking U.S. F.D.A. authorization for their idiotic useless and

SICKENING! Pfizer seek U.S. Covid-19 Vaccine approval for Children 5-11 Read the Full Article »

As Predicted – They Are Going After Our Children

Three months ago, when the “Delta Variant” emerged, I warned you that it would be used to go after our children. It was very obvious and the gematria and numerology was very clear. And since then, they have pushed the vaccine for teenagers and now they are trying to maim, sterilize and kill children as young as 5 years old! Yesterday, September 20, another fabricated lie hit the headlines claiming that nearly 226,000 Covid-19

As Predicted – They Are Going After Our Children Read the Full Article »

Delta Variant Hoax

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children.

Also to mock you with being asleep, as in “Delta Waves” (see further down) Why did they name the new ‘hoaxy’ “super spreader” Indian mutation (B.1.617.2) of an imaginary virus to “Delta”? And what is the agenda behind it – more than keeping the lie alive?Gematria will show you the connections… Delta mutation: 155, 79Corona Virus: 155Novel Coronavirus: 79Society of Jesus: 79 Delta Covid-19 variant: 82Coronavirus Disease: 82Covid: 82Eliminate Humanity: 82Ordo ab Chao: 82Order

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children. Read the Full Article »

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