
Intermittent Fasting – Quick Guide and FAQ

The pharmaceutical shill-website Healthline just posted a “beginners guide” to Intermittent Fasting, and it’s not too bad considering their previous abysmal and mostly pseudo-scientific nonsensical content. So, lets break it down. First off, Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. This could be, for example, a daily ‘feeding window’ of 6 to 8 hours, leaving 16 to 18 hours a day for a ‘fasted state,’ (the […]

Intermittent Fasting – Quick Guide and FAQ Read the Full Article »

Blood Clots, My Story, and What You Need to Know

Last week, in early September, my past and the lingering damage from the cancer, tumors, diabetes, and failing organs in 2017 caught up with me again, as I had a small blood clot in one of my external blood vessels on my right lower leg. So, I thought I would share that experience, what caused it, and expand on the subject of blood clots and preventable measures. I first noticed a small redness and

Blood Clots, My Story, and What You Need to Know Read the Full Article »

What is Really Most Important for Health?

What is the most common thing among people who are worried about their health and who want to improve it? They focus on the 5% instead of the 95%.What I mean is that they look into and talk about things such as infrared therapy, cold water therapy, saunas, EMF’s, morning lemon water, supplements, meditation and other things that has a miniscule effect, or even an opposite effect, instead of looking at the pillars of

What is Really Most Important for Health? Read the Full Article »

The Stupidity Knows No Bounds! The Non-Existing Coronavirus Attack Fat Tissue Claims Paid Pseudoscientists. And a Lesson in Healing

Yes, just as silly as the claim that cold weather causes blood clots and heart attacks (but only in 2021, never ever before in history), now some total dimwits claim that a virus (that does not exist) can attack your fat tissue and cause severe inflammation – which magically can cause an “dangerous” reaction from the imaginary immune system. And this should be the explanation why “fat people” are more at risk of getting

The Stupidity Knows No Bounds! The Non-Existing Coronavirus Attack Fat Tissue Claims Paid Pseudoscientists. And a Lesson in Healing Read the Full Article »

Breastfeeding babies are dying after mothers got the idiotic, maiming and deadly Covid Vaccine

Something is obviously being transferred. If it kills your baby by being breastfed, what do you think it will do to you in the long run?And we know that only about 1% of side-effects and deaths get reported. And they try to hide and manipulate the statistics. You people need to wake up!Again, anyone pushing the vaccines is a war criminal and should be charged as such. Justice will prevail. I warned about transference

Breastfeeding babies are dying after mothers got the idiotic, maiming and deadly Covid Vaccine Read the Full Article »

Know Your Poison: Saponins

Saponins are antinutrients that belong to a class of defense chemicals found in abundance in certain plants. They are also known as ‘amphipathic glycosides’ from the soap-like foam they produce when shaken in watery solutions – and the fact that they are used as a model for detergents. The latter is very disturbing, and we’ll get to it in a moment. Saponins have a water-soluble carbohydrate bonded to a fat-soluble triterpene or steroid structure.

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SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation By Joachim Bartoll, February 2016, for Classic Muscle Newsletter #20, 2016 Tattoos have become increasingly popular over the last 20+ years; to the extent that the once somewhat daring self-statement have become diluted as people get them without even thinking.I remember discussing tattoos as a teenager in the late 80’s. Back then, the only reason we could think of to get a tattoo was

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation Read the Full Article »

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