
The Sad State Of Nutrition (Pseudo)Science — And Zero Carb Is The Only Way To Improve Mental Health And Cognition!

Yet again we’ll return to and take a look at a meta-analysis of extremely poor studies and trials on “low-carbohydrate” diets and improvements on quality of life (QoL,) and cognition. Quick Summary “In this meta-analysis of 30 randomized controlled trials in 1,781 adult participants, researchers looked at a low-carbohydrate and improvements in mood, anxiety, or memory speed, but its effects varied depending on individual characteristics and contexts.” There are a few crucial things […]

The Sad State Of Nutrition (Pseudo)Science — And Zero Carb Is The Only Way To Improve Mental Health And Cognition! Read the Full Article »

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled

A couple of news outlets, including CNN, ran with this story about ending the staged and fake plan-demic yesterday after a recent statement from the World Hell Organization, also known as ‘the propaganda machine that keep people sick, weak and enslaved.’ At a first glance, the sheeple will get a hefty dose of hopium with strong words such as, “We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic.” Then, if you

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled Read the Full Article »

A quick look at the Media and the News – How They are Controlling You!

This will be a bit simplified, because most people can not stomach 50 pages on one single subject. So, to fit it into two pages or so, it has to be straight to the point. Note that I’ve worked within the ‘media circus’ during 1997 to 2012 – as Editor-in-Chief, as a writer and freelance journalist – all self-taught and through sheer ambition – and I was fooled for a long time too. First

A quick look at the Media and the News – How They are Controlling You! Read the Full Article »

Olof Palme was NOT a man of the people

Just saw this post on FB about Olof Palme and how people commented that he was a great leader. So, I had to write a short 5-minutes rant/post about this. And yes, this is how clueless a lot of Swedes are about our history, our former ‘leaders’ and our world in general. And if you read this post, you’ll know why. While most Swedish high-ranking politicians has been invited to the Bilderberg Meetings to

Olof Palme was NOT a man of the people Read the Full Article »

How to Remain Sane in an Insane World

A few thoughts thrown together on how to think and get through this crazy story we find ourselves in when being able to see through all the theatre. This is for the woke people out there – my brothers and sisters. When you are surrounded with the kind of insanity that is going on in the world today, and you’re not part of that indoctrinated hive mind, you will need coping strategies and a

How to Remain Sane in an Insane World Read the Full Article »

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