Humiliation Ritual

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year

According to the media, the Oscars continued to rebound with its biggest audience since 2020 thanks to abysmal movies such as “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie,” averaging 19.5 million viewers on Sunday night. Now, I have no idea how anyone could watch such extreme satanic filth, and with the revolting puppet Jimmy Kimmel as host to boot, but I guess some people did, even if the numbers are inflated and scripted. Of course, being the satanic […]

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

‘That ’70s Show’ Actor Danny Masterson’s Degrading Masonic Rape Ritual

I had no idea who this cockwomble was until CNN, FOX News, and some other lamestream controlled and fake media outlets made him frontpage news after writing about his Masonic humiliating, degrading, and advancement ritual, which in this case, allegedly consisted of being guilty of rape on two of three counts. As you should know by now, everything on the world stage and anything that get big headlines is staged, scripted, and carried out

‘That ’70s Show’ Actor Danny Masterson’s Degrading Masonic Rape Ritual Read the Full Article »

Puppet Elon Musk Mocked Twitter Worker with Disability

The story goes like this. Haraldur Thorleifsson, an Iceland-based Twitter senior director, tweeted to Musk that access to his computer had been cut off nine days earlier, when Twitter reportedly laid off some 200 employees. Thorleifsson said in his tweet, “your head of HR is not able to confirm if I am an employee or not.” Musk responded in a tweet asking, “what work have you been doing?” When Thorleifsson provided a list of

Puppet Elon Musk Mocked Twitter Worker with Disability Read the Full Article »

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco

The World Stage puppet and actor Elon Musk continues to be in the spotlights all while being portrayed as some kind of conservative lukewarm baby-truther and free speech champion to gain trust among the weak-minded half-asleep masses, especially among those that are tucked-in beneath the right-wing of the puppet-master’s bird – all while the nutcases that are crouching beneath the left-wing are screaming for attention like hungry little baby birds. Of course, this story

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco Read the Full Article »

Police Chief Fired After Bragging About Shooting Black Man 119 Times – FOP Masonic Racism Humiliation Ritual

This stupid story reminds me of the extremely fake and silly Jayland Walker story, the black man who supposedly got fired at more than ‘90’ times and got hit 60 times. That was an obvious scripted racist ritual. Alas, it’s all about the numbers and mocking the intelligence of the sleeping masses. Police pistols are allowed to have magazines of at most 10 rounds and rifles only 5 rounds. Semi-Automatic Weapons used by ‘authorities’

Police Chief Fired After Bragging About Shooting Black Man 119 Times – FOP Masonic Racism Humiliation Ritual Read the Full Article »

July 22, the Day of Freemasonic Ritual Retirements – Vince McMahon and Volkswagen CEO

Former WWE CEO Vince McMahon is a well-known 33rd degree Freemason within the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and yesterday, on July 22, a day with the ‘22’ Freemasonic Master Builder Number, he stepped down and ‘retired.’ If you take a peek at the WWE logotype, you will see two ‘W’ stacked on each other. Just like the double ‘M,’ the double ‘W’ can symbolically be tipped on its side and read as a double

July 22, the Day of Freemasonic Ritual Retirements – Vince McMahon and Volkswagen CEO Read the Full Article »

Snoop Dogg sued over alleged sexual assault and battery on the 46th anniversary of Black History Month

And here we go again, another shaming ritual during Black History Month. This time it’s the puppet Snoop Dogg being sued for sexual assault and battery, just one day after being in the headlines for buying ‘Death Row Records’. This broke on February 10, on the 46th anniversary of Gerald R. Ford declaring February as Black History Month back in 1976. Snoop Doggy Dogg = 46 (one of his frequent aliases) And we know

Snoop Dogg sued over alleged sexual assault and battery on the 46th anniversary of Black History Month Read the Full Article »

The Theatre Continues – China Sodomites to Anal Swab Their Way Through the Winter Olympics

Unfortunately, this is not a joke. The China ‘anal swab story’ is back in the ‘News’ once again – hitting the headlines of the slumbering masses. And we know who the real sodomites are, the Catholic Church and their re-invented Knight Templars as in the Jesuit Order – the order pulling all the strings from the shadows. Yeah, they do a lot of pulling and obviously thrusting too. This story broke on January 19,

The Theatre Continues – China Sodomites to Anal Swab Their Way Through the Winter Olympics Read the Full Article »

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