Germ Theory

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients

I’ve touched on this in earlier posts about the fake Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Your body need all essential nutrients to function properly. You cannot ‘super-load’ a nutrient in hope to get a ‘stronger effect’, not unless you are severely deficient. But even if you are deficient, you can only “load up” until saturation. And that if your body recognize the nutrient you try to supplement with, if taken as a supplement that […]

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients Read the Full Article »

No, we do not have an “Immune System”! Let us stop using that terminology!

I’ve touched on this in several previous posts and I’ll tell why it matters in just a little while. First, and this in undisputable – the germ and virus theory is FALSE. It’s the biggest lie in modern history. We do not get sick by any kind of contagion. This was a theory put forth by Pasteur, which he later recanted and said that his nemesis Bernard had been right all along – it’s

No, we do not have an “Immune System”! Let us stop using that terminology! Read the Full Article »

Facing Death and After

An update on the last couple of years. My journey and why I do what I do

Since I got more active on Social Media in late 2020 and trying to wake people up, I’ve lost about 150 ‘followers’ whose ego just can’t handle my exposing of the lies and deceit on the world stage. However, in the same time period I have gained almost 2,000 new friends.While most of you enjoy what I write, many of you don’t really know my story. I did release a ‘small’ biography in two

An update on the last couple of years. My journey and why I do what I do Read the Full Article »

The most educated people are the most indoctrinated

This is very true and I see it all around me. As for myself, I had to ‘unlearn” more than 17 years of “modern” medical studies, throw away the false germ theory, unlearn most of almost 30 years of nutritional study and much more. I had to face death to realize the truth of the terrain theory, the logic behind German New Medicine, and the power of fasting and animal-based nutrition to heal myself.

The most educated people are the most indoctrinated Read the Full Article »

I will continue to write the truth as I see it

I will continue to write the truth as I see it – from my thousands of hours of research, from my conversations with hundreds of contacts all over the world dating back to 1995, and from my experience in the fields I’ve invested more than 30 years into. I studied ‘western modern medicine’ for 17 years, trying to improve my asthma, allergies and predisposition to get sick several times a year. It did nothing.

I will continue to write the truth as I see it Read the Full Article »

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus

Have you studied the history of modern medicine? How Pasteur lied and manufactured false evidence of the germ theory and how one of the thirteen ruling bloodlines of Rockefeller ran with the idea and founded modern medicine? Have you looked into the germ theory and the healthy terrain? Or psychoneuroimmunology, physiology, the biome, pathogens, somatid’s (or microzyma’s), pleomorphism, chemistry, and mycotoxins? And what about sickness and secondary sickness? If you have an understanding of

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus Read the Full Article »

Bechamp or Pasteur? : A lost chapter in the history of biology

This summary of real science and biology was written in the early 1900’s and published 1932, before heavy censorship and the Rockefeller controlled ‘Modern Medicine’ took over everything with their lies and fraudulent theories.This book teaches you real history within the field of biology and disease. It is available through and is displayed below. I recommend that you go to and make an user account, and then you can bookmark thousands of

Bechamp or Pasteur? : A lost chapter in the history of biology Read the Full Article »

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