
Healthy Eating in Real Life is Very Simple

Healthline is one of the most visited “health” websites in the world, which means that they influence a lot of people with their conclusions and recommendations.In their ‘letter from the editor,’ Lisa Valente, MS, RD, states that, “At Healthline Nutrition, we want to help you eat food that makes you feel good. Looking at science is always where we start, but we understand that real-life eating doesn’t fit some perfect nutrient pattern.” That will […]

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World Stage: First Humanitarian Aid Arrived in Gaza

Allegedly, the first aid did not reach Gaza until after exactly 14 days of the fake war, on October 21, 2023. Aid = 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 On October 21, when ‘twenty trucks’ of ‘humanitarian aid’ reached Gaza, there were 71 days remaining in the year. The same day as Palestinian President ‘Mahmoud Abbas’ called for a peace summit to end the war between Israel and Hamas. Humanitarian Aid =

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The Pure Madness of Semaglutide Appetite-Suppressant Drugs

On October 5, the Jesuit Propaganda Outlet, also known as CNN, published an article about the semaglutide drug Ozempic being on the rise. Of course, they scheduled the article to appear at 5:06 p.m., as in 56, the famous propaganda number of the Society of Jesus, aka., the Jesuit Order. And, October 5 was the day leaving 87 days remaining in the year, and ‘Ozempic’ just happens to sum to 87 in simple English

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Review: The 90/90 Fasting Diet

Back in the 90’s, circa 1997, when I ran Ironmag; the first real online magazine of its kind, we featured the Animal Diet, one of the first real ‘intermittent fasting’ diets for bodybuilders and gymrats. It was tailored for fat loss and simply consisted of a pre-workout snack and a post-workout ketogenic-style meal. That was it, and it still was better than most other ‘intermittent fasting’ diets that followed 10 or even 20 years

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A Few Words on Bloating and Digestion Problems — Updated

If you search the internet, you’ll be fed a bunch of nonsense regarding bloating and some alleged “quick fixes” to relieve it. Well, as with all remedies or drugs, it’s only a temporary relief at best, as you shut down your body’s attempt to heal and repair whatever damage you have done. When there is a problem and you experience symptoms from something you have done and your body is now trying to fix,

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What Makes You Fat?

This topic has been requested for a while. I already have several articles touching this subject, so this will be a simple breakdown and summary. Let’s start with some uncomfortable truths. Being overweight, or worse, being obese, is not natural, it’s not normal, it’s not something we see in nature with other species unless they are to go into hibernation, prepare for a cold winter, or about to migrate to new grazing/hunting areas. In

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7 Beginner Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid

Yes, I do get requests to check out different health, fitness, and nutrition articles at times, and this one was just too funny not to make a little review out of. The article is about “7 beginner nutrition mistakes” and is written by Roger “Rock” Lockridge for the supplement store and publishing company Muscle and Strength, very similar to T-Nation, but a few steps behind. The article begins with the following premise: “When it

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Food and Nutrition Made Simple

This is a follow-up on my article, ‘Understanding Nutrition and Breaking Free from Ideology and Pseudoscience,’ as it’s obviously desperately needed – and also to serve as a reminder of a very important topic that most people, unfortunately, are total ignorant about. We’re undoubtedly living in a time when people are more deceived, indoctrinated, and dumbed down than ever before in history, especially considering health, illness, food and nutrition, something that should be quite

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