Fear Propaganda

Silly Fiction For Retards: Bird Flu, The Flu, COVID, And RSV. New Staged Pandemic On The Horizon?

This pile of complete and utter shit has been brewing for a long, long time now. As the shills at Verywell Health published their propaganda article on the non-existing Flu, COVID, and RSV allegedly rising in the United States, the lamestream and fake media announced the first fake “death” of the non-existing “bird flu.” Yes, the fear mongering and the propaganda machine is in full swing once again, trying to brainwash the weak minded […]

Silly Fiction For Retards: Bird Flu, The Flu, COVID, And RSV. New Staged Pandemic On The Horizon? Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Nuclear Propaganda on March 9

While several News Outlets had articles covering “Ideal Conditions for a Nuclear Strike on NATO,” and “Nuclear War: The Rising Risk, and How We Stop It,” CNN featured an “exclusive” stating that “US had prepared for potential Russian nuclear strike in Ukraine in late 2022.” Of course, that “potential” Russian ‘nuclear strike’ in 2022 never happened, because there is no such thing as a “nuclear weapon” or an “atomic bomb.” That is all pseudo-science

World Stage: Nuclear Propaganda on March 9 Read the Full Article »

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 1

This article was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine or China.I might come back and update this part, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some copy-paste from my earlier work here on this website. Some of

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

CDC and Similar Evil Organizations Making People Severely Ill by Fear and Worry

Visiting any social media page or feed of CDC, WHO, or any of these evil organizations, is like being thrown into Kubrick’s adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange, a film about MK Ultra; as in mind control and conditioning, very much like mainstream media, but centered on the fears and worry about health and disease. They serve only to keep the false germ theory and virology alive, making it possible to

CDC and Similar Evil Organizations Making People Severely Ill by Fear and Worry Read the Full Article »

What are They Planning for Late September/Early October? Follow-up

First off, this will be a little rant and summary of different theories floating around the ‘net, as well as what is actually going on in our world. It’s a bit of speculation, humor, and seriousness all mixed into one. The first part of this article series is here: Now, there are many agendas that are currently being shoveled in our faces. We have the Climate Change/Crisis Hoax of supposedly melting icecaps and oceans

What are They Planning for Late September/Early October? Follow-up Read the Full Article »

Fear propaganda – “Zelensky: Russia will not stop at Ukraine”

The big headline at CNN is “Zelensky: Russia will not stop at Ukraine” The message is clear. Be afraid of a World War. Fear propaganda! This phrase sums to 472, which is the 92nd prime number. That reminds us of Genesis 9:2, which is all about fear, as ‘fear’ has a Jewish Gematria of 92. “And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and

Fear propaganda – “Zelensky: Russia will not stop at Ukraine” Read the Full Article »

February 25 is All About Kyiv, Ukraine, and the Number 56

February 25 is the 56th day of the year and the media is focusing on “explosions” and “air raid sirens” in Kyiv, Ukraine, this morning. They also claim that a Su-27 Fighter Jet was shot down close to Kyiv. Kyiv, Ukraine = 56Society of Jesus = 56 (The Jesuit Order) Russian Invasion = 56Russia Attacks Ukraine = 56Su-27 Fighter Jet = 56 It’s also a day with 69-numerology.2/25/2022 = (2) + (25) + (20)

February 25 is All About Kyiv, Ukraine, and the Number 56 Read the Full Article »

Low Vaccination Rates in Romania and Bulgaria

It’s October 1st, 2021, the 274th day of the year, leaving 91 days until the end of the year. So, with 91 days remaining, what would be more appropriate than running some fake ‘anti-vax’ and ‘vaccine hesitancy’ stories to discredit people with functional brains and to further their deception – the globalist depopulation agenda? Anti-vax = 91 (English Ordinal)Vaccine Hesitancy = 91 (Reverse Full Reduction)Discredit = 91 (English Ordinal)Deception = 91 (English Ordinal)The Society

Low Vaccination Rates in Romania and Bulgaria Read the Full Article »

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