false idols

World Stage Puppet Novak Djokovic Win 10th Australian Open and 22nd Grand Slam, For a Total Record of 22-11/33

The Freemason, born and bred world stage puppet, and false idol for the ‘anti-vaxxers’ are back in the news again after another ‘bread and circus’ highly Satanic ritual. Last year, I covered Mr. ‘No-Vaxx’ Djokovic in length, and how everything around him was done by the numbers, as they ALWAYS do. This scripted victory over other world stage puppet Stefanos Tsitsipas was predicted by many of us in the real truther community, as such […]

World Stage Puppet Novak Djokovic Win 10th Australian Open and 22nd Grand Slam, For a Total Record of 22-11/33 Read the Full Article »

What are They Planning for Late September/Early October?

While the announcement of Queen Elizabeth II’s death at 96 (as in 69/96 on the royal arch) was orchestrated and planned by the numbers for September 8, most likely as a huge distraction, there has been a lot of interesting events and trends taking place for the last couple of weeks telling us that something is going on, that something big will happen this fall. In late August Pope Francis instructed all Vatican entities

What are They Planning for Late September/Early October? Read the Full Article »

Mr. 53, Novak “No-Vaxx” Djokovic, Deported from Australia on January 16

And the silly saga comes full circle as the elite puppet Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia after the government’s lawyers argued he’d become an ‘icon’ for anti-vaxxers. And that is what this is partly about, a false idol for the gullible diet-woke people. I’ve already covered this obvious staged ritual twice, showing you the numbers and gematria behind it. NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’ Novak Djokovic, “Mr. 53,” Released

Mr. 53, Novak “No-Vaxx” Djokovic, Deported from Australia on January 16 Read the Full Article »

Kobe Bryant is NFL Star Myles Garrett

If you know anything about the entertainment industry and about fabricated “celebrities”, you know that they are all actors simply playing roles they’ve been assigned. When they have achieved what they were set out to do, as per their rituals, the character is killed off, and the actor is assigned a new role. This is part of the freemason ritual, to reinvent yourself, to be born anew. Now, every sport at the top level

Kobe Bryant is NFL Star Myles Garrett Read the Full Article »

All world-famous people are invented and played by actors

Yes, I’ve touched on this subject many, many times in the last four years. However, this is one of many important things to understand about our world and that everything is fabricated, staged, and fake. It’s all theatre for the masses to control us. To give us false idols, to tell us how to think, what to believe in, and what to waste precious time and money on. All world-famous people are invented, just

All world-famous people are invented and played by actors Read the Full Article »

Satan’s Little Helper, Chris Rock, Lies About Having Covid – and All by The Numbers

The false idols, a.k.a., ‘celebrities’, are under contract and are being used frequently in this staged and faked pandemic. I’ve exposed several of them, and this time it’s the pathetic little “comedian” Chris Rock.Chris says he has Covid and urges everyone to get the maiming, deadly and purely idiotic covid vaccine. A shot that can put you in the ground against something that does not even exist. Yes, all these criminals will get what

Satan’s Little Helper, Chris Rock, Lies About Having Covid – and All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Catt in Staged News

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant

Anyone who has done some research know that viruses do not exist as portrayed by the fake Rockefeller Medical Establishment and the pseudoscience of virology. There is no contagion and there is no variants of something that does not exist. Simple logic – and more and more people are waking up, realizing this. So, to combat this awakening they need to constantly put out their fabricated propaganda. Every single day! Being a “celebrity” and

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant Read the Full Article »

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