
TDEE, Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and “Calories” Explained

I posted this about a year ago in my groups on Facebook (January 2019.) If you still think that calories are important or even a thing, please take a few minutes and educate yourself. The TDEE formulas are derived from an average of people following a typical westernized/modern diet. This kind of diet is high carbohydrate and made up of at least 70 to 80 percent of plant foods (keep in mind that almost […]

TDEE, Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and “Calories” Explained Read the Full Article »

Do you get hungry; do you get cravings?

Unless you have a severe metabolic disorder, hunger or cravings are not due to lack of ‘calories’ (energy) or a low meal frequency (and thus low blood sugar, lol). Hunger, thoughts about food, and cravings are simply a sign that you have a nutrient deficiency. To put it bluntly, your diet and/or food choices suck. If you consume nutrition-dense foods with a high bioavailability, such as meat, egg yolks, fish roe and organ meats;

Do you get hungry; do you get cravings? Read the Full Article »

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