
CNN Mentions the Abyss – A Quick Explanation and the Number 73 as Related to Israel

In a statement, UN Secretary-General and Jesuit puppet António Guterres said “we are on the verge of the abyss” in the Middle East. As you probably know by now, the United Nations is an organization that sprung from the planned and staged WWI and WWII. Being established in 1945, it serves as a transition vehicle on the world stage towards a totalitarian World Government, their New World Order. It’s simply one of many instruments, […]

CNN Mentions the Abyss – A Quick Explanation and the Number 73 as Related to Israel Read the Full Article »

A Few Words on the History of Israel

As I’m currently a bit pressed on time, this will be a short summery of Israel as a country and its history. For those new to the real world, the one outside of the media- and government illusion, the world that we actually live in, it might help to understand what is going on, and it will serve as an introduction to deeper analyzes of the fake war, that I hopefully have time to

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Putin’s “Satan 2” is Fake

Once again, they’re bringing back fear and trauma that has been programmed into the sheepish masses for decades – that of nuclear weapons and the “atom bomb.” Last year, when they began the Hollywood CGI-production of the fake and staged war in Ukraine, they reinforced the programming with headlines such as, “Putin Rattles his Satan II Nuclear Saber.” Then, this year, we had the silly movie ‘Oppenheimer’ released in July, once again reminding the

Putin’s “Satan 2” is Fake Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 16

In part 15 we continued our journey through early ancient Greece and the Neo-Babylonian Empire, also known as the Chaldean empire. In Greece, we saw the rise of philosophy and science and thus the ever-growing gap between the mystery schools, the secret societies of the elite, and the uninitiated masses, the common people. Thus, the working class, the masses, were only taught what was needed for them to be obedient slaves, while also being

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 15

In part 14 we reached the growth of the ancient Greek empire as a military power with Tribe of Dan, as the Aeolians, moving from Asia minor (present-day Turkey) to the region of Lacedaemon where they built the city of Sparta. With trauma-based mind-control and perverted rituals, they built an unrivalled military force. With heavy Egyptian influence, Saturn became Kronos, Atem became Zeus, Osiris became Dionysus, and Horus became Apollo.Dionysus played an important role

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 13

In part 12 we saw the Egyptian-Hittite peace treaty take place in 1259 BC as Egypt struggled with raids from the Tribe of Dan while the Hittites had problems with the growing power of Assyria. 80 years later, the Hittite empire is crushed and Egypt continue its struggles on its own. The imperial power axis of the world turns from the previous south to the north.Akhenaten’s daughter Meritaten, known as Scotia, and her people

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 9

In part 8 we covered the birth of the Egyptian culture as the Aryan descendants of Atlantis settled at the Nile Valley and built the city of Anu, the city of the Black Sun (Heliopolis,) and over the span of the next thousand years built more than 118 pyramids, all of them Earthly representations of the constellations with Nile being the Milky Way. The Egyptians worshipped the sun (Saturn) and the Aryan goddess (h)Arya

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 5

In part 4 we covered the first step in the Draco takeover with the insertion of the Moon into the realm of the Earth. An event that caused the great flood that buried Atlantis and the newly founded civilization at Lemuria. It also led to Moon and Saturn worship, the foundation of the Saturn cult, the Earthly ‘3D-representatives’ of the ‘4D-conquerors’ that still rules the Earth.And as the goat got domesticated, Saturn also became

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