Digital ID

Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook

As the story goes, “Russian state-backed hackers,” (it’s anybody’s guess how they “know” they’re “state-backed”,) gained access to some of Microsoft’s core software systems in a “hack” first disclosed in January.As of this Friday, March 8, 2024, Microsoft announced that the alleged hack was more serious than first thought, and that during the last week it has led to information being stolen from Microsoft’s corporate email systems and to access to “some of the […]

Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook Read the Full Article »

Actor Bill Gates Warns About AI – Conditioning for Next Possible Psy-Op?

On January 16, during the World Economic Forum’s annual meet in Davos (WEF24,) Fox News published an article with Bill Gates warning about artificial intelligence and “cyberattacks.”While #WEF24 was centered around the topic of “Preparing for Disease X,” one of the larger talking points was that of “Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society.” As for “Disease X,” it’s fearmongering and conditioning in the form of a “hypothetical” virus in

Actor Bill Gates Warns About AI – Conditioning for Next Possible Psy-Op? Read the Full Article »

Twitter to Become ‘X’ – Total Digital Enslavement

What I wrote about back in October of 2022 is now happening, actor and puppet Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was simply a jumpstart for the new platform called ‘X’ (previously referred to as ‘X, the everything app.’) During Sunday evening, July 23rd, the WEF-puppet and former chairman at Comcast NBCUniversal, Linda Yaccarino, now CEO of Twitter, tweeted the following, “X is the future state of unlimited interactivity – centered in audio, video, messaging,

Twitter to Become ‘X’ – Total Digital Enslavement Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19

While we had the predictive programming of a ‘virus pandemic’ during the tabletop exercise ‘Clade X’ in 2018, we had another ‘pandemic’ ritual in 2019 with Event 201. Event 201 was a follow-up to Clade X organized by Johns Hopkins once again, and this time in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This high-level pandemic exercise called Event 201 was held on October 19, 2019, exactly 201-days

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 13

In part 12, we reached the year of 2010 and the introduction of cryptocurrency. We will continue on the path of technology and its role in programming, conditioning, and shaping our minds, our beliefs, and our illusionary prison-world. In 2010, CERN began to come into focus on the world stage as they allegedly discovered and trapped the first ‘atoms’ of ‘antimatter.’ CERN is a “demonic-like” physics-project by the Saturn cult. Its name comes from

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 13 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 12

We are now closing in on current times. In part 11 we ended with 2006 and the fake ‘whistleblower’ organization Wikileaks by controlled opposition and media actor Julian Assange. 2006 was also the era of credit default swaps, leading to a “global” recession of saving the banks with endless debt and endless cash flow for the elite families.I also mentioned that during 2004, we noticed an increase in concepts like open source, creative commons,

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 12 Read the Full Article »

Obama Suggest ‘Digital Fingerprints’ to Counter Misinformation (AI/Deepfakes, The Infodemic) and The Development of Digital IDs

It’s been a very slow and quiet two weeks or so in the media, as the Saturn Cult, the Freemasons, and their other goons sometimes take breaks from staging fake shootings and other events to evaluate the chatter among the masses. Of course, the sleeping masses never notices that these staged events suddenly stop, only to be continued again weeks or months later – or that they change the narrative in between. It’s part

Obama Suggest ‘Digital Fingerprints’ to Counter Misinformation (AI/Deepfakes, The Infodemic) and The Development of Digital IDs Read the Full Article »

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake)

Well, it never was an emergency to begin with, as Covid-19 was never isolated or proven to exist outside of silly computer-generated models and images – just as every virus ever claimed by the fraudulent pseudo-science of virology.Remember, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. As of today, more than 215 health/science institutions in 40 countries have failed to provide one single evidence of a virus isolation by anyone, anywhere. While

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake) Read the Full Article »

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