Delta Variant

The Delmicron Psychological Operation

While it does not exist, the purpose of spreading this imaginary tale of a new non-existent virus combination of Delta and Omicron was simply to condition people of new lies to come, to keep them in fear, to bombard them with lies of worse scenarios to fuel this fake pandemic and the vaccinations. It’s simply psychological warfare. Repeat the lie of viruses and fake and staged pandemic, and the masses will believe it. Instill […]

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The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’

You probably know of the importance of number ‘56’ since 2020 and the whole fake pandemic. However, there is another number that is very important to the Jesuit Order, and that is ‘201.’ The first Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) was Ignatius of Loyola (April 19th, 1541.) And in 1773 Pope Clement XIV allegedly suppressed the Jesuit Order on the completion of the 201st day of the year, July

The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’ Read the Full Article »

Andrew Cuomo Resigns in “Battle Against the Sexes ‘Vagina’ Ritual” – Connecting the Vaccine Sterilization Effects and Future Events

History repeats itself because the parasites running this show writes the script. On August 10, 2017, Taylor Swift hit the news about her alleged ‘sexual assault story’ where her ‘vagina’ was grabbed by a groper. And now, on August 10, 2021, Andrew Cuomo resigns due to ‘sexual harassment’ (by groping). Yes, they are all actors playing a role, following orders and they have to obey to these humiliation rituals. Who knows if he actually

Andrew Cuomo Resigns in “Battle Against the Sexes ‘Vagina’ Ritual” – Connecting the Vaccine Sterilization Effects and Future Events Read the Full Article »

They Are Now Pushing Lambda Variant, Just as Predicted

I hardly need to decode this nonsense. At this stage, even the ones just waking up should see what a scam this is. There has never been any isolation or proof of a single virus in history, so there can not be any variants of something that does not exist. This is pure programming and fear mongering, keeping the tyranny and lockdowns going. As for Delta and Lambda, I predicted and wrote about them

They Are Now Pushing Lambda Variant, Just as Predicted Read the Full Article »

Fully Vaccinated People Still Transmit the Virus – According to CDC chief

You know, that virus that has never been isolated, proven to exist or to be a contagion, just like every fabricated virus in history, can now, like magic, infect just about anything – a papaya, motor oil, a rock, and even a fully vaccinated sheep!Can you believe that?! This reality-show we’re living in gets more absurd by the day, and it’s all by design. Cleverly planned and executed – and they know the majority

Fully Vaccinated People Still Transmit the Virus – According to CDC chief Read the Full Article »

Catt in Staged News

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant

Anyone who has done some research know that viruses do not exist as portrayed by the fake Rockefeller Medical Establishment and the pseudoscience of virology. There is no contagion and there is no variants of something that does not exist. Simple logic – and more and more people are waking up, realizing this. So, to combat this awakening they need to constantly put out their fabricated propaganda. Every single day! Being a “celebrity” and

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant Read the Full Article »

Even more fake news

Even more Virus and Vaccine CON-nonsense

It should be obvious that all these fantasy variants, whom very conveniently surfaced after the depopulation vaccination started, are just that – a cover for side effects and deaths from the vaccine. And of course, a clever way to continue to push those killer jabs. This is why stupid stories like this one surfaces almost daily now. Let us look at this nonsense using Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape

Even more Virus and Vaccine CON-nonsense Read the Full Article »

Fake Delta Plus Variant

More CONrona Virus Nonsense – Delta Plus is coming for you!

Beta males (mask wearers), Gamma (3) Freemasons, Indian Delta variants, and now a new variant of a variant – Delta Plus Coronavirus, like a frikkin’ membership PLUS card for Delta Air Lines. How stupid and gullible do you have to be to buy into this crap? Are there still braindead sheep who think there is a pandemic?Seriously folks, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist outside of a living organism or

More CONrona Virus Nonsense – Delta Plus is coming for you! Read the Full Article »

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