
Jim Cramer Fake Positive COVAIDS-1984 in 53-ritual

The little puppet Jim at CNBC claimed he had the COVAIDS-1984 during one of his appearances on the screen, that hopefully no one watched unless severely retarded. This little useless stain on society was born on February 10, which made his silly announcement on December 20 to come exactly 53 days before his birthday. And that on a day with 53-numerology.December 20, 2021 = 12/20/21 = (12) + (20) + (21) = 53 And […]

Jim Cramer Fake Positive COVAIDS-1984 in 53-ritual Read the Full Article »

Trump Finally Showing his Real Colors – Promoting the Death Jab and Boosters

There are still delusional diet-woke people who believe in the Israel-loving Jesuit puppet Donald Trump. They seem to have forgotten all about Operation Warp Speed, his allegiance to Pope Francis (the first Jesuit pope of the Vatican,) and the simple fact that politics is nothing more than theatre for the sleeping masses. The only reason Trump became president was to gather the semi-woke dumbed down people on that side of the coin – and

Trump Finally Showing his Real Colors – Promoting the Death Jab and Boosters Read the Full Article »

White House Scare Propaganda – Threatening Real People with Severe Illness and Death

The White House and staff are Satanic sick wretched bastards – threatening the real pure blood non-vaccinated people. They actually printed this in their briefing. Seven paragraphs down: – link to briefing Thank you Anthony Davison for the tweet! Remember, viruses and transmittable diseases does not exist! That is the fraud of the century. Will update tomorrow.

White House Scare Propaganda – Threatening Real People with Severe Illness and Death Read the Full Article »

Moderna Claim Boosters for Omicron – More Lies for the Braindead

Yes, more obvious blatant propaganda lies to get the braindead sheep to take more boosters – more maiming, sterilizing and deadly shots against something that does not exist. It’s about bloody time to wake up now little sheep. This absurd story broke on December 20 and is full of numerology and gematria, as all their fabricated stories. Notice how they always put “Breaking” or “Breaking News” on these propaganda stories. Breaking News = 56

Moderna Claim Boosters for Omicron – More Lies for the Braindead Read the Full Article »

Omicron… 70 is the new 56

The germ theory and virology may very likely be the biggest frauds of our century, and if you can’t see that they make shit up with the fake pandemic as they go, you might actually be dumber than a sheep. Omicron 70 times more “infectious” than Delta? Just as Pfizer claimed that their vaccine was 70% effective against imaginary Omicron? Or as when the White House claimed it had hit the 70% vaxx target?

Omicron… 70 is the new 56 Read the Full Article »

The Pandemic Dance (do the ‘rona) – Original Song

The Pandemic Dance (do the ‘rona) – Original Song Mr. Johnny Rockefeller back in 1909said, “Hey JP Morgan, heard you got a cruise linelet’s make two titanic ships(it’s OK if one of them’s shit)we’ll swap ‘em in the evening when they go to sleepwe’ll sink one to the bottom of the ocean deepand everyone we don’t likewill have a watery night”now with a lack of competition and a whole lotta nervethey chuckled as they

The Pandemic Dance (do the ‘rona) – Original Song Read the Full Article »

Biden to Issue ‘Stark Warning’ (Dark Winter?) on Scripted and Fake ‘Covid Surge’

The actor playing the role of the demented Jesuit puppet Biden, is set on trying to further program the gullible sheep about Omicron, surge in cases of the imaginary coronavirus, and other things that do not exist. It’s unclear if he will talk about pink unicorns and Teletubbies, but considering his track record, it’s not unlikely. The headline that many news outlets seem to run with mentions “Stark Warning”, you know, as in House

Biden to Issue ‘Stark Warning’ (Dark Winter?) on Scripted and Fake ‘Covid Surge’ Read the Full Article »

Books about Omicron Variant released just days after it was named and presented in the Media

I have already exposed the fake and planned Omicron Variant in several posts. And here is another indisputable proof that it has been planned for a long time. I’ve written and published 8 books myself. Even the shortest of books take weeks to write. Then you have proof reading, editing and if you want a paperback or any kind of physical copy, that takes several weeks as well. A larger book usually takes 3

Books about Omicron Variant released just days after it was named and presented in the Media Read the Full Article »

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