
Obama Tests Positive for COVAIDS-1984 as a Tribute to his Master the Pope

Barack Obama said on Sunday that he tested positive for farting pink unicorns, erhm, no, was it HIV? No, that should read, ‘tested positive for Covid-19’. I always get all of them mixed up as neither of them exist.Anyway, he said on Twitter that he’s ‘feeling fine’ and his husband/wife, Michael, tested negative. Sunday, March 13, 2022, was the 9-year anniversary of Pope Francis becoming the first Jesuit Pope (March 13, 2013.) Nine Years […]

Obama Tests Positive for COVAIDS-1984 as a Tribute to his Master the Pope Read the Full Article »

It Will Not End – Covid Variant ‘Deltacron’ Hyped on the 2-Years Anniversary of the Staged and Fake Pandemic

It’s been two years since the Satanic World Hell Organization declared the staged and fake Coronavirus Pandemic on March 11, 2020. And on the 2-year anniversary of this evil Psy-Op they confirm a new imaginary variant called ‘Deltacron’ – another made-up computer model of something that does not exist. At this stage, most people should have realized that they have been conned for two years. As the year of the Tiger begun on February

It Will Not End – Covid Variant ‘Deltacron’ Hyped on the 2-Years Anniversary of the Staged and Fake Pandemic Read the Full Article »

Global Covid-19 Deaths Allegedly Surpass 6 Million on the 66th Day of the Year in a 666-Ritual

They just can’t help themselves with all the lies and their numbers. Most people should know by now that Covid-19 does not exist, that the whole pandemic was fake and staged. However, the evil bastards need to keep the lie alive to succeed with their Agenda 2030 and Vision 2050. So, what better way than mocking the sheep on the 66th day of the year with fake news about 6 million deaths. Of course,

Global Covid-19 Deaths Allegedly Surpass 6 Million on the 66th Day of the Year in a 666-Ritual Read the Full Article »

U.S. Talking About a Fourth Covid-19 Shot This Fall

As we entered the Year of the Tiger on February 1st, it’s been somewhat quiet on the topic of the staged and fake pandemic. Countries started to open up again and you had the big satanic rituals in the Super Bowl 56 and the Olympic Games, and of course, the ongoing conflict of Russia and Ukraine, which they ‘intensified’ a bit again, as astrology and numerology fitted that agenda. Just yesterday, they really gave

U.S. Talking About a Fourth Covid-19 Shot This Fall Read the Full Article »

New Fabricated and Fake Omicron Variant on the Rise

As the Olympic Games is coming to a close, the fake news outlets are reporting on a new fake ‘BA.2 subvariant of Omicron,’ that is said to spread faster than its distant cousin, and it may also cause more “severe disease.”Is this ‘BA.2,’ or a more sinister mutation of it what they will use as people return to all corners of the world after attending the Olympic Games? A massive spread with a multitude

New Fabricated and Fake Omicron Variant on the Rise Read the Full Article »

FAKE NEWS: China has Released a Bioweapon During the Olympic Games

Here we are again. Another retarded story being shared on social media and on blogs by diet-woke writers, playing right into the hands of controlled opposition and disinformation agents. Just look how all the shill-sites share the exact same story with the same headline. Simple scare tactics and to fuel the lie that contagious viruses and diseases exist. I’ve touched on this on many occasions since the staged and fake pandemic started. There is

FAKE NEWS: China has Released a Bioweapon During the Olympic Games Read the Full Article »

Vaccine Hub as Petting Zoo for ‘Sheepish’ Teenagers

Wow, the mocking and the pun! Headline actually say, ‘sheepish’ teenagers – and a petting zoo, probably with more sheep and goats… These satanic bastards just love their Baphomet goats!And yes, indeed. If you are that brainwashed and dumbed down that you take the jab, you are definitely a sheep following the herd without one single thought of your own. And this is of course all done by the numbers, just to mock you

Vaccine Hub as Petting Zoo for ‘Sheepish’ Teenagers Read the Full Article »

PSY-OP: Australian Covid-19 Vaccine Recalled After Triggering False Positive for HIV – Story Resurfaces After a Year by Shills

Remember Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of the FAKE HIV, who died at 89? That was reported on February 10, just days after stories about a new ‘HIV Strain” that allegedly would develop AIDS twice as fast. Now, this story by Channel 7 News is actually from December 11, 2020. It’s very old, still some shills on Twitter brought it up as it would be breaking news – simply because it fits with the current HIV

PSY-OP: Australian Covid-19 Vaccine Recalled After Triggering False Positive for HIV – Story Resurfaces After a Year by Shills Read the Full Article »

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