climate change

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 3

This article series was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as believing in mass and school shootings, The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the staged war in Ukraine. I might come back and update this series, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some […]

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 3 Read the Full Article »

Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns

As a continuation of the earlier train derailments and the fake toxic spill in Ohio, the last week has been filled with conditioning and training for the looming climate lockdowns as alleged wild fires broke out in Canada on June 2nd, and New York was covered in smoke on June 6 – the launch date of the highly satanic and ‘anticipated’ video game Diablo IV. As you know, there are no coincidences on the

Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns Read the Full Article »

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1

This will be a little series of articles where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation. Before we dive into the list, let’s do a quick recap of how the world actually works. What most people think is real and what they believe is going on in the world, is actually most of the time staged, scripted and

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

CNN Calls For Censorship on “Chemtrail Conspiracies” and “Climate Deniers”

Welcome to a real hornets’ nest, a wide and diffuse subject that has been riddled by controlled opposition, their half-truths and lies for over a decade. Before we try to make sense of it, let’s look at this fabricated story by CNN and their agenda-driven collaborators in Spain. The article that covered CNN’s landing page during May 27 describes a dire situation for Meteorologists in Spain as they are somehow being blamed and harassed

CNN Calls For Censorship on “Chemtrail Conspiracies” and “Climate Deniers” Read the Full Article »

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Shilling for Agenda 2030 Vegan Enslavement

The Jesuit’s puppet Eric Adams, who plays the role of New York City’s mayor, wants to cut the city’s meat budget in order to reduce emissions tied to the city’s food procurements by a Freemasonic 33 percent by 2030. How about that? Two psy-ops in one ritual to kick off ‘Earth Week.’ We already know that the climate change agenda is complete bullocks, a gigantic hoax. And we also know that the extremely unhealthy

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Shilling for Agenda 2030 Vegan Enslavement Read the Full Article »

Media Programming by 52: Staged Mass Shootings and Fake Climate Change

On March 6, 2023, a day with 52-date numerology, the media told us that the U.S. had surpassed 100 mass shootings in 2023. What they did not tell you is that at least 9 out of 10 are staged and faked by the Freemasons within the police as rituals and to drive those statistics, building a political stance against the constitution, against the right to own a gun, against the right to protect your

Media Programming by 52: Staged Mass Shootings and Fake Climate Change Read the Full Article »

February 7: Severe Weather in Texas and Turkey Amid Rescue Efforts

If you know the code, this comes as no surprise. The man-made earthquake in Turkey and Syria was executed on the fifth of February, like 5/2, or 52, the weather and earth warfare number and with strong Satanic numbers. It also happened at a span of 52-days after Pope Francis birthday when counting the end date, and at the exact same time as the Grammy’s aired with the extremely Satanic performance by Sam Smith,

February 7: Severe Weather in Texas and Turkey Amid Rescue Efforts Read the Full Article »

Interesting Dates Coming Up: January 21/22, and Jan 24 to 26

This will be a short kind of ‘heads-up’ post. First out is puppet and Seventh King Donald Trump with a birthdate of June 14, which means that on January 21 and 22, it will be the 222nd day after his 76th birthday. Expect Trump to be featured in the headlines on January 21 or 22, most likely connected to their ongoing play on Revelation 13 and the Antichrist (Obama.) For more on this subject,

Interesting Dates Coming Up: January 21/22, and Jan 24 to 26 Read the Full Article »

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