Climate Change Hoax

Weather Warfare: “Heat Dome” Over California and the West

In Sweden we had two weeks of warm summer-like weather in mid-May, with temperatures between 21C and 25C (70F to 77F) followed by two weeks of meh-like weather, and now as of June 5 when the summer should begin, we are back to April-like weather. This morning, when I took my dog walk at 4.00 a.m., I had to take out my winter clothes again as it was only 8C (46C) outdoors. The forecast […]

Weather Warfare: “Heat Dome” Over California and the West Read the Full Article »

The Enslavement Agenda: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

While UN’s Agenda 21, based on lies and pseudo-science, was signed on April 12, 1992, by 6400 local governments in 113 countries, and later transformed into Agenda 2030, which slowly impacted the “climate strategy” and “sustainability” nonsense of whole countries, there are several other climate-hoax projects running parallel. One of those are the ‘C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,’ which was created in October 2005 by Mayor Ken Livingstone of London and Jewish mind-controlled political

The Enslavement Agenda: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Read the Full Article »

The Dubai Deluge – Cloud Seeding Weather Warfare

By request, I’ll cover the flooding of Dubai — the heaviest rainfall recorded in 75 years in the United Arab Emirates according to their government.While some news media blamed ‘cloud seeding’ gone wrong, a practice frequently used in the dry Emirates, the “liberal” outlets, such as CNN, immediately put together articles blaming “human-driven climate change,” which more correctly should be called ‘human-driven propaganda.’Well, at least they now openly admit that cloud-seeding and weather control

The Dubai Deluge – Cloud Seeding Weather Warfare Read the Full Article »

Biden’s Crackdown on Gas Cars Only Weeks After Car Manufacturers Pulls Back on Electric Cars

A few weeks ago, Apple pulled the plug on their electric car project, and here in Europe, several car manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen cut back on the production of electric cars in favor of more gas-powered cars. And that did not come as a surprise, as electric vehicles (EVs) have repeatedly showed extremely decreased performance and milage in real world conditions, including simply shutting down in cold weather or in heavy rain.

Biden’s Crackdown on Gas Cars Only Weeks After Car Manufacturers Pulls Back on Electric Cars Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 20

In part 19 we covered the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Covid-19 hoax ritual, the staged mind-control operation that began in 2020 and was “officially” deemed as ‘over,’ as in no longer a “Public health emergency of international concern,” by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 5, 2023. The puppet character representing the U.S. President, ‘Joe Biden’, ended the national public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023, with the notion that it does not

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 18

While 2018 was a year of staged and fake terror attacks in Europe, it was also the year of the green agenda, the climate change hoax, and the rise of the mind-controlled actress, the transgender girl symbolizing the child Horus in Crowley’s Aeon of Horus, and new icon for the Green Climate Change (CC = 33) Agenda, Greta Thunberg. 2018 was also the year when the old mind-control tool of ‘Veganism’ roared its ugly

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 17

One of the main-themes for Europe during 2015 and 2016 was the staged ‘migrant crisis’ of alleged ‘refugees’ that was combined with the Islamic ISIS terrorist agenda, which later was exchanged with the staged and fake coronavirus pandemic in 2020.On April 7, 2017, another very poorly staged terrorist attack was carried out in Sweden dubbed the ‘2017 Stockholm truck attack.’ It was a follow-up to the 2015 fake knife-attack at an IKEA store. These

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 17 Read the Full Article »

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 3

This article series was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as believing in mass and school shootings, The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the staged war in Ukraine. I might come back and update this series, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 3 Read the Full Article »

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