
A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 50

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding […]

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 50 Read the Full Article »

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022, Part II

As the first article in this new series was well-received and actually wildly shared in forums and on social media, I decided on a quick follow-up while I have the time and energy. And in the future, I will most likely do one or two of these a week. If you enjoy these free articles, consider sponsoring my work by donating at the ‘buy me a coffee’ platform, or sign up for our uncensored

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022, Part II Read the Full Article »

LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol

By request of a good friend, this will be a quick review of this video (below) by Dave Feldman, where he is asking for participants for a study on cholesterol and plaque build-up. While his intention might be good, he has no idea of what he is doing and is mixing pseudo-science into his own hypothesizes. This all goes back to the “doctors” (charlatans) Brown and Goldstein, who allegedly saw a patient that in

LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive?

Vegetable oils, or more correctly, highly processed seed oils, might be the most toxic food additive there is, and it’s found in almost every man-made food. The history of vegetable oils goes way back to the late 1800’s and the manufacturing of soap and candles. In 1870, when crude oil was first discovered and replaced cottonseed oil as fuel for lamps, Procter and Gamble decided to use the unwanted and cheap cottonseed oil instead

Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive? Read the Full Article »

Cholesterol is Essential to Life

All our cells are made from cholesterol. All our hormones are made from cholesterol. Your brain needs lots of cholesterol or it will shrink and give you memory problems, Alzheimer’s, and make you mentally ill. The more cholesterol you have, the longer you are going to live! Those with low cholesterol are weaker, unhealthy, get heart diseases, have mental problems and die more often when cardiovascular issues arise.Cholesterol is also used to repair your

Cholesterol is Essential to Life Read the Full Article »

10 Diet/Nutrition Myths That Must Die In 2020

Plants cannot run away from predators. Therefore, they have developed several sinister defense mechanisms to prevent them from being eaten. These include toxins that are highly poisonous in larger quantities, antinutrients that block nutrients from being absorbed and can cause cellular damage, and phytoestrogens that will make the predator infertile. As for vitamins and minerals, none of these are in bioavailable form and must be converted in our bodies. The bioconversion rate is between

10 Diet/Nutrition Myths That Must Die In 2020 Read the Full Article »

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based)

Do you experience anxiety, depression, nervousness, brain fog, mood swings, or social phobias on a regular basis without any real trauma or explanation behind it? Do you easily get pulled into different kinds of convictions? Do you rather follow the herd than ask questions, speak up, and think for yourself? If you do, your diet and/or food choices may most probably be the culprit. Mental illness disorders like those listed above and many others

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based) Read the Full Article »

Red Meat, Salt, Eggs, and Other Goodness!

RED MEAT, SALT, EGGS, AND OTHER GOODNESS Destroying the dogma from the clueless age of Big Pharma Written by Joachim Bartoll, November 2014 – previously published for online publicationRe-published in Classic Muscle Newsletter, January 2016 (issue #16) When I got into nutrition in the mid- and late 80’s, the low-fat craze had just begun and it skyrocketed during the 90’s. Fat intake should be kept low, preferable around 10 % of total calories or

Red Meat, Salt, Eggs, and Other Goodness! Read the Full Article »

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