
Biden Speaks of 12-Year-Old Children, Russians Allegedly Flee Russia, and Fake Starlink is in the News

Accompanied with some archive photos and video footage from some old and long forgotten traffic jam, the mainstream media paints the pictures of Russians fleeing their country and getting stuck In traffic after Putin’s announcement for partial mobilization (calling in reserves for the staged and totally fake war in Ukraine.) Remember, pictures and video footage in “News” coverages does not represent an actual event, they are picked and used to ‘illustrate’ the story written […]

Biden Speaks of 12-Year-Old Children, Russians Allegedly Flee Russia, and Fake Starlink is in the News Read the Full Article »

Russia’s Alleged Mobilization and Biden Heading Off Fake Nuclear Crisis

September 21 continued in its tracks with the escalation of the staged and very fake war in Ukraine. As you probably know by now, the “Ukraine War” is simply a part of Agenda 2030 and the hidden hand’s reenactment of the Book of Revelation, where Barack Obama is playing the role of the Antichrist. This clue in the riddle is easily discovered if you know their hidden language of gematria, as “Ukraine War” is

Russia’s Alleged Mobilization and Biden Heading Off Fake Nuclear Crisis Read the Full Article »

Biden Administration Declares the Monkeypox Outbreak a Public Health Emergency

Of course, this happened on August 4, the 61st birthday of Antichrist Barack Obama. Recall, the first fabricated and “confirmed” monkeypox case in the U.S. was on May 18, the 138th day of the year. This declaration from Biden and his loonies comes on the 4th of August, like 4/8, or 48. So, we have 138 and 48. Monkeypox = 138, 48Barack as Satan = 48 (as in 4th of August, 4/8, his birthday)

Biden Administration Declares the Monkeypox Outbreak a Public Health Emergency Read the Full Article »

Your News Top Stories on July 25, All by The Numbers

As we always say, all top stories are fabricated or manipulated to fit their agendas, rituals and numbers. On July 25, CNN boosted their frontpage with articles featuring Walmart, the Pope, Pence, Biden, and Trump. Walmart = 25Pope = 25Pence = 25Biden = 25Trump = 25 And all in the same cipher too. They’re certainly having a laugh. Also, do not forget that the flooding in Pakistan (weather modification warfare,) which actually begun on

Your News Top Stories on July 25, All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Biden to Issue Climate Executive Orders on the 201st Day of the Year

U.S. President and Jesuit-Puppet Joe Biden will issue executive orders on Wednesday aimed at addressing the climate crisis – something that does not exist. And this happens on the very Jesuit 201st day of the year and just in time where parts of Europe experience a small heatwave after a record cold summer. Funny coincidences, right? Interestingly, Reuters actually wrote, “Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see a climate emergency tomorrow.” Simply telling us

Biden to Issue Climate Executive Orders on the 201st Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

Biden to Pause the 18.3-cent-per-gallon Federal Tax

The stunt-actor playing Joe Biden said that “he” hopes to decide soon whether to support a temporary pause on the federal 18.3-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax to “ease the burden” of high prices on Americans, as a gallon is closing in on $5 USD. Remember, you still have an average of about 31-cents-per-gallon sales tax. For Europeans, a US gallon is defined as 3.78 liters, so that tax is like 4.8 cents per liter, or 0.046

Biden to Pause the 18.3-cent-per-gallon Federal Tax Read the Full Article »

Biden Calls for Ban on Assault Weapons While Flanked by 56 Candles in Jesuit Ritual

And there we have it. All those staged and fake shootings of this year is fueling the agenda to disempower the people of the United States, to strip them of all rights and the little freedom that is still left. So, on June 2, the Jesuit puppet Joe Biden, or whomever is playing the role of him, addressed the United States on the topic of banning assault weapons, all while being flanked by ‘56’

Biden Calls for Ban on Assault Weapons While Flanked by 56 Candles in Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

Jill Biden Makes Mother Day Trip to Ukraine, All by The Numbers

Look at that. Same stylish photos as when Boris Johnson and other puppets visited Ukraine in the ‘middle of the warzone’ and strolled around in shirts in the cities, like on a vacation. You could actually ponder the idea that the alleged war is nothing but a staged and scripted ruse for the media. Oh, wait, that is exactly what it is. But I digress. This year, Mother’s Day came on May 8, as

Jill Biden Makes Mother Day Trip to Ukraine, All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

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