Animal Fat

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients

And here I thought we had put this protein debate to rest. However, the “Chief Content Officer” Chris Shugart, over at T-Nation, managed to find yet another “study” where he, just like the dimwits performing the study, draw some seriously flawed conclusions. Chris begins the article in the typical ‘T-Nation’ fashion with some mocking disguised as humor about telling people who are a little bit ‘too pudgy’ to simply stop ‘eating so damn much.’ […]

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients Read the Full Article »

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science”

Since childhood, you’ve been programmed to respect, listen to, and not question anything from authority figures, preferable in white coats and with a funny name, no matter how stupid or mocking their suggestions or “facts” are. A perfect example of this was the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic where the most indoctrinated puppets put on face diapers, refrained from even meeting or hugging loved ones, lined up 6 feet apart when outside, and even

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science” Read the Full Article »

The Real Truth About Protein-Based Diet Strategies

I’m sorry if I’m almost on repeat here. Again, I received some messages about an obvious ‘advertisement-article’ that is, well, just plain wrong on almost all accounts, so it needed to be addressed. And it’s a good opportunity to cover and untangle the subject of protein and dieting as well. If you already know my background, feel free to jump to the main part of the article. I worked in the Gym-, Fitness-, Health-,

The Real Truth About Protein-Based Diet Strategies Read the Full Article »

Protein for Body Composition

Let’s take a break from the world-stage theatre in Israel and instead look at another article from Chris Shugart, the ‘Chief Content Officer’ at T-Nation. This time Chris looked at a new “study” where they simply increased the intake of protein by a measly 21 grams for a group of overweight people. To summarize the study, a group of “researchers” gathered up 200 people of overweight or obese men and women from all age

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The Pure Madness of Semaglutide Appetite-Suppressant Drugs

On October 5, the Jesuit Propaganda Outlet, also known as CNN, published an article about the semaglutide drug Ozempic being on the rise. Of course, they scheduled the article to appear at 5:06 p.m., as in 56, the famous propaganda number of the Society of Jesus, aka., the Jesuit Order. And, October 5 was the day leaving 87 days remaining in the year, and ‘Ozempic’ just happens to sum to 87 in simple English

The Pure Madness of Semaglutide Appetite-Suppressant Drugs Read the Full Article »

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy)

While gaining too much muscle is unhealthy, as it is a continuous metabolic stress on the body, and more importantly, the training volume and frequency necessary to gain said muscle mass, is extremely unhealthy and will age you quicker while subtracting years of your life expectancy – however, being a skinny fat and/or underweight and fragile pencil neck is not really healthy either. With that said, any kind of excessive training is very unhealthy,

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy) Read the Full Article »

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time

This will be an addition to my ‘What is Really Most Important for Health?’ article from a month ago. In that article, I listed ‘Diet/Nutrition,’ as in our natural homo sapiens species-appropriate and species-specific diet of 100% animal-based nutrition, also known as the carnivore diet, as the most important factor for health. That is an undisputable fact.I also listed ‘strategic and planned fasting’ for accelerating healing, repair, and detoxification. The third point touched on

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 28

In part 27 we continued to cover the decline of the Roman Empire, known as the Crisis of the Third Century, as it was threatened on several fronts while the Sassanid Persian Empire grew stronger.While there was a lot of infighting between Roman Emperors, the Sassanid Empire had a friend in Philip the Arab, who not only paid them 500,000 gold pieces for damages, but also ignored their expansion during his reign in Rome

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 28 Read the Full Article »

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