Weather Warfare Rituals – Texas to go from 80-degrees to freezing in 36-hours

We surely have had our share of weather control and manipulation in the last couple of years. For example, this winter in Sweden is unprecedented in temperature changes – going from 5 to 7C above freezing to -6 to -20C below freezing, back and forth for more than 10 times in 8 weeks now. And every time the temperature rises it’s been by winds coming in from the south, pretty hard winds at that […]

Weather Warfare Rituals – Texas to go from 80-degrees to freezing in 36-hours Read the Full Article »

Mr. 53, Novak “No-Vaxx” Djokovic, Deported from Australia on January 16

And the silly saga comes full circle as the elite puppet Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia after the government’s lawyers argued he’d become an ‘icon’ for anti-vaxxers. And that is what this is partly about, a false idol for the gullible diet-woke people. I’ve already covered this obvious staged ritual twice, showing you the numbers and gematria behind it. NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’ Novak Djokovic, “Mr. 53,” Released

Mr. 53, Novak “No-Vaxx” Djokovic, Deported from Australia on January 16 Read the Full Article »

Dow Jones falls 201 points, or 0.56%, January 14 in Joe Biden and Jesuit Ritual

This is just so in your face I cannot ignore it. 201 points? 0.56%, as in 56? Common! Joe Biden, the Jesuit educated puppet, was born on November 20, 1942. This fall of Dow Jones happened on January 14, exactly 56 days after Joe Bidens birthday. Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order) And 201 points… The Jesuit Order = 201 (201 is know as the Jesuit number) The exact number was

Dow Jones falls 201 points, or 0.56%, January 14 in Joe Biden and Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers

So, The Supreme Court blocked “President” Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirement aimed at large businesses, but allowed a vaccine mandate towards health care workers nationwide.Again, a very planned ritual, and step in the staged and fake pandemic. Those against being slaves and ‘forced’ to take a maiming, sterilizing and deadly vaccine will see this as a win – and especially those against the puppet Joe Biden. Meanwhile, health care workers will have to

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers Read the Full Article »

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual

Only one day after the “No Vax, Pay Tax,” ritualistic announcement, the province’s health minister claims that first-time appointments have spiked. Of course, my “bullshit-alarm” went off like no tomorrow. This is of course lies and just another ritual by the numbers. The headline reads as, “Canada says vaccine mandates work as Quebec’s ‘unvaxxed tax’ leads to spike in first-dose appointments.” “Unvaxxed tax,” eh? How very original to spell it with x’s. Of course,

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual Read the Full Article »

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March

Remember that Omicron is a Jesuit mastermind 666-ritual and that Pfizer announced on November 26 that it would have a vaccine ready to maim and kill in 100 days, which will be March 6, as in 3/6 or three sixes, as in 666. And yes, 3/6 as in 36, is the triangular number of 666! I covered that in this article. Also, March 6 would be in the time of Pisces and Omicron is

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March Read the Full Article »

Bob Saget dead at 65 in big ritual tied to the 49ers and his vaccine propaganda tweet

On August 9, 2021, Bob Saget wrote a tweet encouraging his followers to take the vaccine, or “visine” to “save eyes” as he put it, in a try to be the forever comedian. Five months later to the day, on January 9, he is reported dead by his family and the media. Dead or retired, this is obviously another freemasonic ritual calculated and brought to you by the Jesuit Order and to gaslight anti-vaxxers.

Bob Saget dead at 65 in big ritual tied to the 49ers and his vaccine propaganda tweet Read the Full Article »

NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’

Yes, there are actually people, even diet-woke “truthers,” who believe in this silly story featuring the puppet Novak Djokovic – making him out to be some anti-vaccine hero. Again, you’re being played. All his previous tennis games have been rigged and many decoders predicted the exact results. All “stars” and “celebrities” are controlled puppets. If you do not know this, it’s back to truther school for you! Now, his name ‘Novak’ is of course

NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’ Read the Full Article »

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