Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual

There surely has been a lot of death and killing rituals lately, and I foresee that this will increase during the year, as we most likely will se the passing of Queen Elizabeth (March or September) and many other celebrities. As for Kim Mi-soo, she starred in the satanic Korean Netflix show ‘Hellbound.’ A show about demons appearing to claim souls for hell after the victim has received a warning and a time when […]

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Colorado Fires – Agenda 21 Ritual

UN’s Agenda 21 was primarily about strengthening the Climate Change fraud, which exploded with Jesuit puppets such as Greta Thunberg and their escalation of weather warfare from weather modification technology. This is nothing new, as they started with cloud seeding during the 40’s and made no secret of it until much later. During the 80’s HAARP was patented and implemented and that technology of using radio waves to shatter or form cloud formations evolved

The Colorado Fires – Agenda 21 Ritual Read the Full Article »

John Madden and Harry Reid Dead in Combined Jesuit Ritual (updated)

On December 28, the deaths of John Madden (85) and Harry Reid (82) made top headlines beside each other, and not by coincidence. John Earl Madden = 61 & 74Harry Reid = 61 & 74 John Madden = 88Harry Mason Reid Jr = 88 John Madden = 56 & 65 (and 47, the reflection of 74)Harry Reid = 56 & 65 (and 74, the reflection of 47) Now, 47 is the number of degrees

John Madden and Harry Reid Dead in Combined Jesuit Ritual (updated) Read the Full Article »

Aaand… The “Terrorist” Bombings Are Back in a Freemasonic 47-Ritual, Liverpool Women’s Hospital Explosion

As many of us predicted after the Jesuit ritual in the Afghan “overthrow” of the government by the fake CIA-Taliban on August 15, staged ‘false-flag’ terror attacks are coming back. We’ve seen a few incidents hinting at this and now, this Sunday, the Freemasons staged a fake terror bombing outside of the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. And this one is extremely easy to decode using simple numerology and gematria. The bomb supposedly blew up in

Aaand… The “Terrorist” Bombings Are Back in a Freemasonic 47-Ritual, Liverpool Women’s Hospital Explosion Read the Full Article »

Extreme Propaganda as JHU Claims Five Million Have Died of Something That Does Not Exist

More COVAIDS-1984 and Vaccine propaganda from the Jesuit-controlled media. The Jesuit founded Johns Hopkins University claim that 5,000,425 people had died at 4:50 a.m. on Monday, November 1, 2021. Wow, such a precise number. 5,000,425 = 5+0+0+0+4+2+5 = 164:50 a.m. = 4+5+0 = 916 + 9 = 25 Death = 25 (what the story is about)RIP = 25 (same…)Sterilization Children = 250 = 25 (zeroes has no value, so you can remove them)Vaccination Kill

Extreme Propaganda as JHU Claims Five Million Have Died of Something That Does Not Exist Read the Full Article »

Moderna Next in Line to Maim, Sterilize, and Kill Your Children

In the footsteps of Pfizer, who are about to get their shot approved for children by the FDA and claimed that their vaccine is 93% effective in maiming your kids, Moderna is now claiming that their vaccine is just as efficient. Efficient in maiming, sterilizing and killing that is, but that’s in the fine print – only for a selected few to know, and for us with eyes to see. Not for the sleeping

Moderna Next in Line to Maim, Sterilize, and Kill Your Children Read the Full Article »

Gematria Through History – a Look at BBC

This will be a fairly short and simple decode to show how important dates and numbers are to those in power – not only for rituals, but just as important when creating companies and a new persona (actor).I will only use the introduction snippet at the start of BBC’s history as presented on their own website. It is written as this: BBC was founded on October 18, 1922, a date leaving 74 days remaining

Gematria Through History – a Look at BBC Read the Full Article »

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming

What we have talked and warned about since the start of the dangerous and maiming vaccinations have now escalated and are being pushed by the media. Yes, the division tactics – as previously seen in racism. They want to pin vaccinated against the unvaccinated, to get people to fight amongst each other. The best conquering tactic there is. In this fabricated and faked story, they claim that a “survey” or a “poll” by ‘The

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming Read the Full Article »

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