The 42-Rituals

Anyone who knows just a little bit about gematria and how the media and entertainment industry work, knows the racism and mockery behind number 42 (and 30). I’ve touched on this in several decodings, and now Malik, a.k.a., NeoTheHacker did a great short vid on the subject. -“I know… you want number 42?” And if you don’t get it, 42 and 30 are very well-known and frequent numbers used in race mocking rituals towards […]

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CDC Dances Around the Extreme Rate of Heart Inflammation from Vaccines

As of late, mainstream media has been doing its best to program us to normalize strokes and heart disease, even among children! In truth, heart disease is very rare among young people and only occur at older age among those who have been clogging themselves with vegetable oils (seed oils) and processed carbohydrates. In healthy people following our natural species appropriate diet of carnivorism, any kind of disease, especially cardiovascular disease, is non-existent. However,

CDC Dances Around the Extreme Rate of Heart Inflammation from Vaccines Read the Full Article »

Mentally Ill Detainee, Suspected of Role in 9/11, Set for Transfer in Yet Another 9/11-Ritual

On the day before, February 3, we had a very obvious 9/11-ritual involving an accusation of Vladimir Putin preparing a False Flag. That in itself was pure mocking since 9/11 was one of the biggest false flags in history, planned since long before the construction of the towers.Now, on February 4, when there was a conjunction of Saturn with the Sun, the Jesuits could not help themselves and did another even more obvious one

Mentally Ill Detainee, Suspected of Role in 9/11, Set for Transfer in Yet Another 9/11-Ritual Read the Full Article »

Mayor Eric Adams of NYC in the Headlines after only 24 days

In 2019 Eric Adams celebrated Black History Month by holding an Essay Contest about local hero #42 Jackie Robinson. Then, in 2021 the voting for Mayoral Election was held at the Jackie Robinson School in Brooklyn, where Eric Adams greeted and mingled with voters.In other words, Eric Adams is connected through rituals with Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play in Major League Baseball (MLB.)Also, Jackie Robinson lost his son when he was

Mayor Eric Adams of NYC in the Headlines after only 24 days Read the Full Article »

February 4, a date for big events

On February 4, there will be a conjunction of Saturn with the Sun. And as you might know, the Jesuit Order and all the globalist scumbags worship the Sun God and Saturn was the former Sun God. Saturn is actually El, known as the Father of Heaven. In Septenary, Saturn equals 26, the number symbolizing God. And in the Old Testament, Saturn is God. Saturn is also known as the ‘keeper of time’ within

February 4, a date for big events Read the Full Article »

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual

There surely has been a lot of death and killing rituals lately, and I foresee that this will increase during the year, as we most likely will se the passing of Queen Elizabeth (March or September) and many other celebrities. As for Kim Mi-soo, she starred in the satanic Korean Netflix show ‘Hellbound.’ A show about demons appearing to claim souls for hell after the victim has received a warning and a time when

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual Read the Full Article »

Omicron is a 666 Ritual! Pfizer now says it can have Vaccine ready in 100 days – and my prediction for how long this theatre will continue

A quick recap! The “new variant” that they made up in a computer was first dubbed “B.1.1.529”. 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 9 = 18. And 18 is known for breaking down to 6+6+6, i.e., 666 – The Number of the Beast. This “new variant” was reported on in the media on Thursday, November 25. On January 30, 2020, following the recommendations of the Emergency Committee, the WHO declared that the

Omicron is a 666 Ritual! Pfizer now says it can have Vaccine ready in 100 days – and my prediction for how long this theatre will continue Read the Full Article »

Battlefield 2042 rushed to release in Jesuit ’42’ Ritual

The previous couple of games in the series have all been released full of bugs and with broken gameplay mechanics. Battlefield 2042 seems to have taken this “tradition” to the extreme, with pushing the release date and releasing a incomplete game with several features missing that were given in the previous games, such as in-game voice chat. The list of annoyances on reddit is, well, rather long… The obvious question is why they released

Battlefield 2042 rushed to release in Jesuit ’42’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

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