Catastrophic Contagion 2025 – The Latest Fake Virus Outbreak Simulation

Do you guys remember the first virus outbreak simulation called Clade X? It was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security on May 15th, 2018, exactly 666 days before the World Health Organization declared coronavirus as a fake pandemic on March 11, 2020. And in between that, we had Event 201, the second outbreak simulation hosted by the same puppets together with WHO, and of course, Bill Gates. Event 201 was hosted […]

Catastrophic Contagion 2025 – The Latest Fake Virus Outbreak Simulation Read the Full Article »

Orwell-19 Back ‘Three’ Years Later in Beijing, China – Extremely Coded; a Lesson in Gematria

The media has hinted a ‘comeback’ for the fake Orwell-19 virus, also known as COVAIDS-1984 or simply CONvid. I’ve covered a few of these stories, and as I wrote on October 24 in my article about the RSV-scam, the most likely comeback for Orwell-19 would be back in China during December, because that would be a ritualistic ‘three’ years celebration counting from the first faked ‘patient zero.’ The obvious comeback of the fake virus

Orwell-19 Back ‘Three’ Years Later in Beijing, China – Extremely Coded; a Lesson in Gematria Read the Full Article »

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers

This story comes at a perfect time when the world is experiencing a staged and totally fake energy crisis. And not only that, like all ‘discoveries’ and big ‘breakthroughs’ they are coded and presented by the numbers covered by little stinky Jesuit and Freemasonic fingerprints. That alone make you wonder how much truth there are to these “scientific” breakthroughs, or if they are real at all? As for electricity, the model and idea we

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco

The World Stage puppet and actor Elon Musk continues to be in the spotlights all while being portrayed as some kind of conservative lukewarm baby-truther and free speech champion to gain trust among the weak-minded half-asleep masses, especially among those that are tucked-in beneath the right-wing of the puppet-master’s bird – all while the nutcases that are crouching beneath the left-wing are screaming for attention like hungry little baby birds. Of course, this story

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco Read the Full Article »

Takeoff’s Alleged Killer, 33, Arrested 31 Days Later by Houston Police

I included the death ritual of rapper Takeoff in my November 2 post about three recent deaths all by the numbers. And here we are, 31-days later, with an alleged arrest of some crisis actor playing the role of Takeoff’s killer. Of course, to show and mock us with the fact that this story is scripted and a hoax, they say that the killer is a Freemasonic 33-years-old. Now, Takeoff was allegedly killed (sacrificed

Takeoff’s Alleged Killer, 33, Arrested 31 Days Later by Houston Police Read the Full Article »

The ”Shooter” at the 33-Ritual Buffalo Grocery Store Pleads Guilty on the Day leaving 33-Days in the Year

If you remember, the utterly fake shooting that was staged on May 14th this year was extremely coded with the Freemasonic number of ’33.’ It was staged exactly 33-days after another fake shooting which took place on April 12 in the Brooklyn Subway Station where the alleged shooter Frank R. James fired 33 rounds. That Frank R. James was pointed out as a crazy black man and the fake shooting at the Buffalo Grocery

The ”Shooter” at the 33-Ritual Buffalo Grocery Store Pleads Guilty on the Day leaving 33-Days in the Year Read the Full Article »

Brazil, The Favorites in the World Cup, Had Two School Shootings This Friday

Imagine that. Brazil, the favorite to win the World Cup, makes headline news for an alleged school shooting during said World Cup. Actually, this is the first time I have ever seen any Brazilian ‘mass shooting’ making the top headline, ever. Hardly a coincidence, huh? Right off the bat we have headlines claiming the classic ‘three’ people dead and ‘11’ injured. The word ‘three’ sums to their favorite hoax code of 56 in gematria

Brazil, The Favorites in the World Cup, Had Two School Shootings This Friday Read the Full Article »

Skull and Bones Freemasonry Shenanigans on the 322-day of the Year

November 18 was the 322nd day of the year, as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. And of course, the day was plastered with Freemasonic tribute rituals. Freemasonry evolved from the guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders. The guild was infiltrated and ‘reborn’ in 1717 when it was turned into a ‘fraternal organization,’ a ‘secret society’ by the Jesuit founded Bavarian Illuminati (Order of Illuminati.) They are not Christians, they are Satanic and

Skull and Bones Freemasonry Shenanigans on the 322-day of the Year Read the Full Article »

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