Search Results for: cancer tumors toxins

Mobile Phones And Brain Cancer

I guess some of you noticed the so-called review of “mobile phones and brain cancer” by the WHO, an cloaked lobbyist organization that works as a public shield for the elite families, their toxic food industry and their inverted and extremely evil medical field and pharmaceutical industry. WHO works in unison with the United Nations, another luciferian organization created with the same purpose. With that said, it is obvious that the main mission of […]

Mobile Phones And Brain Cancer Read the Full Article »

Cancer Explained (Again) And Breast Implants And Cancer

At times, government- and pharmaceutical shill websites such as Healthline must report on real news and risks with various treatments, as when Medical News Today wrote about the severe toxic load of tattoos — something no one should ever get or even consider, if common sense were still a thing. This time Healthline looked at the new findings of an increase in a “cancer” the medical field named as anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL)

Cancer Explained (Again) And Breast Implants And Cancer Read the Full Article »

Cancer On The Rise In Young Population — And Obesity Does Not Play A Role In Cancer

The disinformation shills at Healthline are at it again with their interpretation of a recent study that shows that 17 cancer types were more common in recent generations, the so-called Generation X and Millennials. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and common sense should be able to figure out why — to clearly see what has changed the most since the 70’s, and especially the 80’s and the 90’s. Yes, our diet and toxic

Cancer On The Rise In Young Population — And Obesity Does Not Play A Role In Cancer Read the Full Article »

Aspirin Might Decrease Risk of “Colorectal Cancer,” But It Will Also Kill You!

The pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today recently posted an article shamelessly promoting the deadly drug aspirin based on a flawed and retarded study from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Ivy League’s and Owl Club’s Harvard Medical School, known for their MK Ultra mind control research with LSD in the 60’s. Also, Harvard has almost exclusively been managed and funded by the Scottish Rite Freemasonic Rockefeller elite family of the Saturn cult, used to distract

Aspirin Might Decrease Risk of “Colorectal Cancer,” But It Will Also Kill You! Read the Full Article »

The Toxic Load of Tattoos, Cancer Risks, And Lymphoma

Once again we return to Medical News Today and a recent compilation of studies on the dangers of tattoos, especially the increased risk of cancer, and blood cancer in particular. In February of 2016, I wrote an article for my Classic Muscle Newsletter about the dangers of tattoos — something that should be obvious as you actually punch toxins (heavy metals) into the dermis of the skin, the layer of connective tissue, which also

The Toxic Load of Tattoos, Cancer Risks, And Lymphoma Read the Full Article »

How About Preventing Prostate Cancer Instead?

On April 13, I reviewed an article by T-Nation on ejaculating and the possible effect on testosterone, where they as usual, got several things backwards. To make a long story short, too frequent ejaculations, as in every or every other day could have a small negative impact on testosterone, while actually getting aroused, as in sexually stimulated, temporarily raises testosterone. So, in other words, engaging in sexual activity, or pleasing yourself, as long as

How About Preventing Prostate Cancer Instead? Read the Full Article »

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

Do TRT and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Cause Cancer?

The Matrix is at it again. On April 30, I reviewed the extremely bad advertisement-article at T Nation for “natural” testosterone boosters for TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy.) The same day, John Foley commented on my article about TRT and some people getting aggressive brain tumors. Now, as of yesterday, T Nation published another article on Steroids and TRT and the possibility of them causing cancer. So, I will give in to the synchronicity of

Do TRT and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Cause Cancer? Read the Full Article »

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

This story was one of the trending stories on FOX News, CBS News, Time Magazine, BBC, The Guardian, CNN and many more yesterday, and according to the media, the 43-year-old actress has been “battling” breast cancer since April 2023. As I’ve explained in previous articles, cancer has nothing to do with the pseudo-science of “genetics,” nor hormones or simply cells going rogue, mutating all over the place. Cancer, as in forming tumors, is simply

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Read the Full Article »

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism

The pseudo-scientific “germ-based” shill website Medical News Today recently posted another article on cancer, claiming that “early-stage cancer cells” hide from the “immune system.”This is yet another made-up lie to add to the growing misinformation and fear propaganda about cancer – while trying to normalize it, as cancer is growing due to our bad modern lifestyle of stress, pollution, and toxic slave food. And as most people should know by now, we do not

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism Read the Full Article »

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