Search Results for: cholesterol

Blood Clots; Dry Fasting Update

Around September 5, I noticed a small redness and some minor itchy-like pain in my lower leg, which as you know turned out to be a small blood clot due to my earlier battle with tumors, being diabetic for a few years, and my congenital sensitivity for PAI-1(PAI-1 form blood clots by blocking the enzyme that keep your blood in a fluid-like state.) So, after preparing with increasing my intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, […]

Blood Clots; Dry Fasting Update Read the Full Article »

Blood Clots, My Story, and What You Need to Know

Last week, in early September, my past and the lingering damage from the cancer, tumors, diabetes, and failing organs in 2017 caught up with me again, as I had a small blood clot in one of my external blood vessels on my right lower leg. So, I thought I would share that experience, what caused it, and expand on the subject of blood clots and preventable measures. I first noticed a small redness and

Blood Clots, My Story, and What You Need to Know Read the Full Article »

What Makes You Fat?

This topic has been requested for a while. I already have several articles touching this subject, so this will be a simple breakdown and summary. Let’s start with some uncomfortable truths. Being overweight, or worse, being obese, is not natural, it’s not normal, it’s not something we see in nature with other species unless they are to go into hibernation, prepare for a cold winter, or about to migrate to new grazing/hunting areas. In

What Makes You Fat? Read the Full Article »

Man From Antioquia, May Hold Clue to Alzheimer’s Prevention, Media Suggests on May 16 – And a Bit of Real Science

The story goes like this. A man who seemed fated to develop memory loss in his 40s or 50s, based on family history, kept normal function for decades longer than he should have. He seems to have been protected by a rare gene change that enhanced the function of a protein that helps nerve cells communicate. The man is part of a large family in Antioquia, Colombia, with many members who have inherited a

Man From Antioquia, May Hold Clue to Alzheimer’s Prevention, Media Suggests on May 16 – And a Bit of Real Science Read the Full Article »

Article Review: Eggs, a Real Superfood

The Muscle and Fitness websites are not exactly known for their quality content, pretty much the opposite in fact. So, it came as a big surprise that they actually published a decent article on eggs where the author, SJ McShane, got most things right. In all honesty, it should be simple and logical. An egg contains everything needed to create a life, a chicken. In other words, it contains all the nutrition needed to

Article Review: Eggs, a Real Superfood Read the Full Article »

Alleged “Experts” Still 100% Wrong About Food And Gaining Muscle

Warning! This article might contain some harsh and foul language. Unfortunately, it is very needed. Yes, we return to the sh*tpile that is ‘’ and, unfortunately, the same poor author Jake Stewart, who last time, made a monumental fool of himself trying to teach us about weigh loss. This time he tries to tackle the “best foods” of gaining muscle mass, as if there actually were such foods outside the scoop of our natural

Alleged “Experts” Still 100% Wrong About Food And Gaining Muscle Read the Full Article »

Online-Coaching and Education – Animal-Based Nutrition

Available in English and Swedish (Svenska.) Please read the entire page before continuing to the coaching package of interest. Current Status of ServicesAs of September 19, 2024, current queue-time for personalized guides is about 4 to 5 work days.If you apply now, expect your guide within 8-9 days.Consulting is open, current queue time about 24 hours. All programs/guides are educationally structured and based on our natural homo sapiens, species-specific, species-appropriate diet – for peak

Online-Coaching and Education – Animal-Based Nutrition Read the Full Article »

Review: 15 Health Supplements Men Allegedly Need

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding

Review: 15 Health Supplements Men Allegedly Need Read the Full Article »

Study: Bodybuilders That Died Prematurely of Heart Related Issues

Honestly, it’s a bit of an exaggeration to call this a study, but that’s what the authors claim in their abstract. In short, the authors did a google search for dead bodybuilders and then filtered it down using parameters such as being no more than 50-years old and dying of heart-related issues within the last 12 years. Initially they found 45 American bodybuilders and then identified a total of 14 that fitted within their

Study: Bodybuilders That Died Prematurely of Heart Related Issues Read the Full Article »

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods

While checking a couple of websites this early morning, I just happened to see that an online publication and supplement company recently released an ‘updated’ formula of their “superfood.” Yes, these toxic ‘greens’ powders are still a thing. Gullible people within the Fitness industry make smoothies or put it in their protein shakes believing that they are healthy. Vegans drink them by the gallons in hope to nourish their malnourished, decaying, and dying bodies.

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods Read the Full Article »

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