Search Results for: detoxification

Bitter Polyphenols in Plant-Based Foods Are Deadly Poisons

Today we return to Medical News Today to look at a new study that is a prime example of how researchers has no idea about what they actually found out — or they know very well, and twist it backwards to fit their agenda of keeping people weak, “diseased,” docile, dependent, and most importantly, cutting their real life expectancy in half. And that is where the plant-based agenda fits in, a sneaky and extremely […]

Bitter Polyphenols in Plant-Based Foods Are Deadly Poisons Read the Full Article »

Cancer Explained (Again) And Breast Implants And Cancer

At times, government- and pharmaceutical shill websites such as Healthline must report on real news and risks with various treatments, as when Medical News Today wrote about the severe toxic load of tattoos — something no one should ever get or even consider, if common sense were still a thing. This time Healthline looked at the new findings of an increase in a “cancer” the medical field named as anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL)

Cancer Explained (Again) And Breast Implants And Cancer Read the Full Article »

All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic

Today we return to the government- and pharmaceutical shill website ‘Medical News Today,’ operated by the abysmal Healthline and owned by Red Ventures that is financed by Silver Lake Partners, who has its roots in the elite families’ BlackRock. MNT recently posted an article based on a new study where researchers looked at six popular herbs and their liver toxicity. Well, this should be a no-brainer. Herbs are a widespread group of plants with

All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

Monkeypox Does Not Exist! Viruses And Contagion Does Not Exist!

And here’s another article I was hoping I would not have to write. Alas, most baby-troofers fell hook, line, and sinker for this one as government shills began spreading false memes on social media — which of course, was shared by said gullible wanna-be troofers. It’s been a little more than two years since this fake and non-existent Monkeypox roared its ugly monkey-face, and it’s been over four years since the super-silly Coronavirus Covid-19

Monkeypox Does Not Exist! Viruses And Contagion Does Not Exist! Read the Full Article »

Multivitamins: All Synthetic Vitamins Are Poison

Today we return to Iron Magazine and their clueless writer Matt Weik who recently wrote an article on multivitamins based on a new study. The cohort study used data from 3 prospective cohort studies in the US, each with baseline multivitamin (MV) use assessed from 1993 to 2001, and follow-up MV use assessed from 1998 to 2004, extended duration of follow-up up to 27 years, to assess the association of MV use with mortality

Multivitamins: All Synthetic Vitamins Are Poison Read the Full Article »

Food Addiction and Junk Food Withdrawal

Yesterday, Chris Shugart of T-Nation published an article on the subject of food addiction and withdrawal. Considering that all they do is push toxic supplements, one can only guess what his “solution” will be. A shit ton of protein powder perhaps, since protein can be quite satiating? Well, let’s see what he has to say, and I’ll add my thoughts along the way. “Dave needs a hit, man. It’s been a couple of hours

Food Addiction and Junk Food Withdrawal Read the Full Article »

Aspirin Might Decrease Risk of “Colorectal Cancer,” But It Will Also Kill You!

The pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today recently posted an article shamelessly promoting the deadly drug aspirin based on a flawed and retarded study from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Ivy League’s and Owl Club’s Harvard Medical School, known for their MK Ultra mind control research with LSD in the 60’s. Also, Harvard has almost exclusively been managed and funded by the Scottish Rite Freemasonic Rockefeller elite family of the Saturn cult, used to distract

Aspirin Might Decrease Risk of “Colorectal Cancer,” But It Will Also Kill You! Read the Full Article »

Beta Glucan Will Hinder Nutrient Absorption And Increase Toxicity

T-Nation, the self-proclaimed community for “enhanced fitness” is back with another advertisement article for a totally useless supplement. This time it’s “beta glucan,” a soluble fiber, as in a structural polysaccharide composed of β-D-glucose molecules linked through 1,3 and/or 1,6 glycosidic bonds, derived from the cell walls of various organisms, including algae, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and plants (such as highly toxic oats and barley.) To make it easy, a monosaccharide (mono means “single unit”,)

Beta Glucan Will Hinder Nutrient Absorption And Increase Toxicity Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking: Blocking Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) To Fight Hair Loss

The shill-site Healthline recently published an article on “6 Foods That May Block DHT and Fight Hair Loss.” Of course, the foods listed are extremely toxic, and while they may screw up your hormone profile and lower DHT, they will also cause a multitude of other problems and bodily harm. And more importantly, is DHT really to blame for hair loss? Let’s see what they have to say on the topic of DHT and

Backwards Thinking: Blocking Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) To Fight Hair Loss Read the Full Article »

The Toxic Load of Tattoos, Cancer Risks, And Lymphoma

Once again we return to Medical News Today and a recent compilation of studies on the dangers of tattoos, especially the increased risk of cancer, and blood cancer in particular. In February of 2016, I wrote an article for my Classic Muscle Newsletter about the dangers of tattoos — something that should be obvious as you actually punch toxins (heavy metals) into the dermis of the skin, the layer of connective tissue, which also

The Toxic Load of Tattoos, Cancer Risks, And Lymphoma Read the Full Article »

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