Search Results for: fat adapted energy carbohydrates

Food For Athletes And Workouts

Today we revisit the shill Dr. Axe and his staff’s latest attempt to write an article about ‘workout nutrition’ and food for athletes. On June 23, I reviewed a similar article from Healthline, which was, well, really bad. Let’s see how this ‘Rachael Link’ does, and I’ll add my thoughts from working at the absolute elite-level in this field for more than 20 years. “It’s no secret that hitting the gym is important when […]

Food For Athletes And Workouts Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications

With a recent article by the shills at Medical News Today, we’re back to beating (flogging) that old dead horse of carbohydrates. Yet, this is a really important issue, especially since the fake pseudo-science of modern medicine and nutrition twists and invert everything. Also, they tend to stick labels onto every little issue without even understanding it, as in diabetes for example. This time, MNT recently published an article with the headline, “Diabetes-related health

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications Read the Full Article »

Is The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet A Good Choice For Athletes?

Today we return to Iron Magazine, the supplement-based “bodybuilding and fitness magazine” platform that once upon a time tried to ride on the popularity of our online magazine IronMag Online. This time, their writer Matt Weik tackles the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD.) So, let’s see what he has to say, and I’ll add my thoughts from my 28-years of experience with ketogenic diets and elite-level coaching. “Many people have heard of, tried, or have

Is The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet A Good Choice For Athletes? Read the Full Article »

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet

Today we return to the shill and disinformation agent Dr. Axe, who seems to be pushing a lot of toxic and nutritionally poor plant-based foods as of lately on his atrocious website. Being a gatekeeper of the “nutrition science” lie, this is not surprising, and neither is the latest article on a sedentary lifestyle and possible health risks. They have always been pushing for ‘exercise’ as a band-aid for poor nutrition — a way

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet Read the Full Article »

Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024

Today, for a laugh, we return to the Big Pharma and Government shill-site known as Healthline, one of the worst places for pure disinformation and propaganda on anything health- and nutrition related. A few days ago they posted an article on workout nutrition by Arlene Semeco, MS, RD and Celia Shatzman, which was “medically reviewed” by Jared Meacham, Ph.D., RD, CSCS. That simply means that a bunch of trained and indoctrinated monkeys wrote a

Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024 Read the Full Article »

I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox

This is something I see from time to time in my social media feed from Carnivore groups – and of course, from some feedback from my own clients (who are prepared and understand it) and from our uncensored community at While it’s broad subject, I’ll try to narrow it down and make it as short as possible. Let’s cover the basics first, and these facts are undisputable. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores and

I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox Read the Full Article »

Food Do Not Increase Productivity Unless You Are Malnourished

Today we’ll visit “IronMagazine Online.” Yes, the website that once upon a time tried to steal the name of my pioneering IronMagazine Online, or ‘Ironmag’ that we called it for short. I developed the first real bodybuilding and health online-magazine Ironmag in 1996 and ran it together with Christian Thibaudeau and Eric Hesse until 2002. As I moved on to run the Swedish Edition of Ironman Magazine and work with other companies, this other

Food Do Not Increase Productivity Unless You Are Malnourished Read the Full Article »

Maternal Toxicity Associated With Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Regulation

Today we return to the shill Dr. Axe and his website that promotes extremely unhealthy diet- and nutritional advice. On occasion, his crew also covers other topics, like this recent study on assessed perinatal factors known to be related to maternal and neonatal inflammation and hypothesized that several would be associated with emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dysregulation in youth. As the “researchers” used the word ‘inflammation’ in their description of the objective of the

Maternal Toxicity Associated With Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Regulation Read the Full Article »

The Ketogenic Diet and Mental Health Benefits

The Big Pharma and Medical Pseudo-Science shill-website Medical News Today recently tried their best to stay neutral while reviewing a new study on the Ketogenic Diet and its potential to improve mood and mental well-being in the general population. Considering that the study, like all “nutritional oriented” studies was very poorly done, and the writers at Medical News Today are totally clueless about human physiology, this might be a fun ride. As usual, I’ll

The Ketogenic Diet and Mental Health Benefits Read the Full Article »

Oats — One of the Most Toxic Slave Foods in History

The shill and disinformation agent Dr. Axe posted an article yesterday on his website written by some NPC named ‘Ethan Boldt,’ where they call oats a “superfood,” which is as far away from the truth as you can get. Still, a lot of brainwashed and dumbed down people actually believe this – the same people who consume bread, another atrocious slave food. As the article is quite lengthy and it gets every little fact

Oats — One of the Most Toxic Slave Foods in History Read the Full Article »

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