Politics / Government

Biden and Putin talk about Ukraine on December 7 in a Jesuit 201-ritual

This will be a quick decode by request. Everything is staged, and there is no coincidence that Putin is back in the headlines on December 7. From May 20, 2021, until July 31, 2022, the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) celebrates the Ignatian Year – as it marks the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion. In other words, it is a tribute to Ignatius of Loyola becoming the first Superior General of the […]

Biden and Putin talk about Ukraine on December 7 in a Jesuit 201-ritual Read the Full Article »

CNN fires Chris Cuomo in a Jesuit ritual, 117 days after his birthday

More theatre for the masses. But actually something ‘good’ for once. Having to watch a clip for a decode with Chris Cuomo or Anderson Cooper is pure torture of your mind. Well, pretty much any news anchor is, but you get my point. First of all, this ritual took place on December 4, as in 12/4, that is 124. Chris Cuomo = 124 (such a coincidence!!) As you can see, Chris went to Yales,

CNN fires Chris Cuomo in a Jesuit ritual, 117 days after his birthday Read the Full Article »

History always repeat itself

History always repeat itself. In these dark times, as I always said, stand your ground, and remember these words. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, take up

History always repeat itself Read the Full Article »

Missinformation om lagändring för folkmord! Inga lagar tas bort!

Nu cirkulerar inlägg på sociala media såsom Facebook och Twitter att lagen kring folkmord tas bort i Sverige nästa år. Detta är såklart inte sant! Vad jag förstår handlar det om ett nytt tillägg i form av ”agressionsbrott” för att anpassa svensk lag till romstadgan och då ändras RUBRIKEN på lagen från ” Lag (2014:406) om straff för folkmord, brott mot mänskligheten och krigsförbrytelser”, till att istället heta, ”Lag (2014:406) om straff för vissa

Missinformation om lagändring för folkmord! Inga lagar tas bort! Read the Full Article »

The Ghislaine Maxwell Staged Distraction Trial

It’s funny. Anyone who is at least a little bit aware of how the world works, knows that almost everything is staged and scripted. They should know that Jeffrey Epstein was invented, an actor used in the silly CIA Q’anon ‘child trafficking’ rituals. But for some reason many believe that this trial is real? Common, don’t be a gullible sheep. It’s all theatre and distractions. And a way to keep those Q’tards believing in

The Ghislaine Maxwell Staged Distraction Trial Read the Full Article »

A Quick Look at The Swedish Government Shit-Show on November 24, 2021

Sweden had a vote for a new Prime Minister. Magdalena Andersson was voted in, only to resign 7 hours later due to a “budget defeat.”This will be a quick summary as I don’t have time to do a full decode in both Swedish and English. I will only touch on what is popping up as I speed read the summary of this theatre. Let’s begin with the votes. There are 348 people that can

A Quick Look at The Swedish Government Shit-Show on November 24, 2021 Read the Full Article »

Another 201 and 56 Ritual as SUV Drives Through a Christmas Parade

By now, most people should now that pretty much all of these “events” are staged rituals and most of the time totally fake with bad government crisis actors. This one was no different with the most ridiculous “video” footage of a red SUV driving slowly through some plastic barriers.It’s obviously connected to the huge Jesuit ritual that was the fake trial of Kyle Rittenhouse (filmed in a studio with terrible glitching CGI of feet

Another 201 and 56 Ritual as SUV Drives Through a Christmas Parade Read the Full Article »

North America Leaders and the President of Mexico Meets on the 322nd Day of the Year in Area Code 202

The Presidents of the United States and Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada met in Washington D.C. on November 18 to renew the North American leaders’ summit — dubbed the Three Amigos gathering. November 18 is the 322nd day of the year, leaving 43 days remaining in the year. 322nd as in Order 322, a.k.a. Skull and Bones, the Freemasonic Headquarter out of Yale. 43 days remaining in the year and Skull and

North America Leaders and the President of Mexico Meets on the 322nd Day of the Year in Area Code 202 Read the Full Article »

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