Politics / Government

The Witch-Hunt for Truthers is Escalating: Walled Lake Man, Oakland, Allegedly Killed Wife and Shot Daughter After Falling Into “Crazy Ideas” and “Conspiracy Theories” From QAnon

These kinds of fabricated and fake psychological operations are slowly popping up all over the United States, as I have covered in several previous articles. It’s very clever as it reinforces the division of the fake left and right, and the non-tolerance for anything they deem ‘extremist’ and ‘conspiracy’ related. Also, as most people are dumbed down sleeping sheep, they cannot differentiate between their own government’s psy-op of Q, or ‘QAnon,’ and actual real […]

The Witch-Hunt for Truthers is Escalating: Walled Lake Man, Oakland, Allegedly Killed Wife and Shot Daughter After Falling Into “Crazy Ideas” and “Conspiracy Theories” From QAnon Read the Full Article »

How Sweden Secretly Adopted the Evil Enslavement Agenda 2030

A dear friend asked me to write this short article as I have only mentioned this a few times as side-notes in previous articles. Unfortunately, most people are still unaware of this and why Sweden is crumbling and falling apart. Considering the recent staged and fake Parliament Election is Sweden, it is as relevant as ever. If you’re unfamiliar with the Satanic enslavement system known as Agenda 2030, which is also called “The Fourth

How Sweden Secretly Adopted the Evil Enslavement Agenda 2030 Read the Full Article »

How Should the World be Run? What Can We Do?

One of my life missions is to expose the lies and the deceit in our world; to show you what is really going on. What you take from that information and what you believe is up to you. All I want is that you break free from the programming, the indoctrination, the illusion and start asking questions, start researching, and start thinking for yourself instead of being a zombified sheep and relying on what

How Should the World be Run? What Can We Do? Read the Full Article »

September 11, Psy-Ops, and the Swedish Parliament Election

Today, September 11, marks the 21-year anniversary of one of the previous largest staged psychological operations, as in the government-controlled demolition of the Twin Towers – long before the fake coronavirus plandemic and the staged fake war in Ukraine. Yet, it was an important piece in the surveillance puzzle, the blaming game of false flag operations, and to keep people divided and suspicious of each other. 9/11 is very symbolic for the hidden hand

September 11, Psy-Ops, and the Swedish Parliament Election Read the Full Article »

Queen Elizabeth II Announced Dead at 96 by the Numbers

Yesterday, on September 8, the media announced that Queen Elizabeth II’s doctors were concerned for her health and that the Royal family had gathered by her side at Balmoral Castle, as in “Baal-Moral.” No surprise there as for the choice of location for this ritual.As soon as we heard about this, we checked the numbers for September 8 and it was obvious that they would use this pretext of her frail health as a

Queen Elizabeth II Announced Dead at 96 by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

The Obama Antichrist Portrait Unveiling Ceremony at the White House

September 7, 2022, marked the Obamas’ first joint return to the White House since they left in 2017. Stand-in President ‘Biden-time’ hosted the very satanic ceremony for former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama at the White House for the unveiling of their official portraits. First a big thank you to Joseph Acquaviva who recorded this event and also made a quick decode (added at the end of this coverage.)As you

The Obama Antichrist Portrait Unveiling Ceremony at the White House Read the Full Article »

How the World is Run – A Simple Look at the Control Structure of Your ‘Reality’

I will try and keep this as simple and short as possible, as I’ve touched on this numerous times, and in all honesty, no matter how much research you do, you will never get to the ‘100% truth’ and expose everything. Still, with all the research that has been done in the last 60 years or so by independent truth-seekers, we do have a pretty good understanding. First, I assume that most of you

How the World is Run – A Simple Look at the Control Structure of Your ‘Reality’ Read the Full Article »

1 Suspect from Stabbing Spree in Canada Allegedly Found Dead

If you read my article on this faked psy-op from yesterday, you know that the phony ‘stabbing spree’ by the brothers Damien and Myles Sanderson took place 113-days before Justin Trudeau’s birthday – 113 as in the number for dishonesty, the number for fakery, deceit and bullshit. Now they tell us that the 155-pound brother Damien Sanderson, who’s name sums to 155 and who fled in a ‘Nissan Rouge,’ which also sums to 155,

1 Suspect from Stabbing Spree in Canada Allegedly Found Dead Read the Full Article »

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