Corona Virus / Covid-19

Posts about the fake planned-pandemic, about the Clade X and Event 201 simulations tied to the fake outbreak, the fact that Viruses does not exist and that Vaccines are utterly useless and harmful.

Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57

Dr. Rashid Buttar allegedly died on May 18 according to his family and the Wikipedia page. He was labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to appeal to baby truthers as he presented ridiculous and retarded theories about the staged and fake Covid-19 pandemic. While we all know that the pandemic was fake and that no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist, that contagion and transmission of disease has never been proven, just the […]

Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57 Read the Full Article »

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake)

Well, it never was an emergency to begin with, as Covid-19 was never isolated or proven to exist outside of silly computer-generated models and images – just as every virus ever claimed by the fraudulent pseudo-science of virology.Remember, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. As of today, more than 215 health/science institutions in 40 countries have failed to provide one single evidence of a virus isolation by anyone, anywhere. While

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake) Read the Full Article »

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia

As everyone should now by now, there is no such thing as a virus. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist or do anything they claim these pesky boogeymen do. And more importantly, contagion has never been proven, only the complete opposite. No living being can infect another with disease. Any kind of disease comes from within and it is the healing process that manifests symptoms that complete retards claim as

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia Read the Full Article »

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick

Erythritol, an ‘organic’ four-carbon sugar alcohol (polyol) used as a food additive and sugar substitute – mostly to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk fruit and keto reduced-sugar products – has allegedly been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study that has trended in the media for the last two days. Does these “side-effects” sound familiar? Yeah, even more nonsense to cover up the effects of a

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick Read the Full Article »

Baby Truthers Rejoice Over Fake News: Fake Pandemic Began at Wuhan Institute of Virology

The dumbed down baby truthers, Republican right-wing nut jobs, and Q-tards rejoiced yesterday all-over social media as the US Energy Department said that the staged and utterly fake coronavirus pandemic likely began at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Although these fake distraction stories make for a perfect time to remove retards from your friend-list and feed on social media platforms, it’s once again a hint to a looming conflict with China. Anyone with an

Baby Truthers Rejoice Over Fake News: Fake Pandemic Began at Wuhan Institute of Virology Read the Full Article »

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere!

February 25th was the 56th day of the year, one of their favorite hoax-numbers, representing the whole fake and staged pandemic, the fake climate change agenda, and of course, representing Society of Jesus, the military Jesuit Order out of the Vatican whom pretty much control everything on the world stage through their minions within Freemasonry and other secret societies. Masonic Ritual = 56Society of Jesus = 56Freemasons = 56 Right out of the gate,

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere! Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Sets to End CONvid-1984 Emergencies by May 11, 2023

This is a nicely coded and quite amusing piece of “news,” especially if you want to better understand date-numerology and how they weave it together with gematria – the strongest evidence of coding, as it’s virtually impossible to be coincidences. According to the White House, “President” Joe Biden intends to end the Covid-19 national and public health emergencies on May 11. As CNN is pro Communism- and Totalitarism, they spun their reporting with the

Joe Biden Sets to End CONvid-1984 Emergencies by May 11, 2023 Read the Full Article »

China Claims That 60,000 People Have Died of CONvid in Last 35 Days

Release the Kraken and open the floodgates of CONvid propaganda. Here we go again. Another made-up fake story all done by the numbers. I recently covered their newly invented variant named Kraken and I also said that they would do another push of this staged and fake pandemic. The theme is the same as in earlier reports of recurring “outbreaks,” telling us that deaths has increased dramatically after they abandoned their tight “zero-Covid” policy.

China Claims That 60,000 People Have Died of CONvid in Last 35 Days Read the Full Article »

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