Corona Virus / Covid-19

Posts about the fake planned-pandemic, about the Clade X and Event 201 simulations tied to the fake outbreak, the fact that Viruses does not exist and that Vaccines are utterly useless and harmful.

Stupid PLANdemic Restrictions. Wake Up Sheep!

Om du bott i en storstad det senaste året, trängts vid tunnelbanor, spårvagnar, pendeltåg, bussar, i gallerior, på stationer, i varuhus och så vidare och du fortfarande tror att det finns virus som smittar tillhör du nog den delen av samhället som är extremt lättlurad och saknar minsta förmåga att ifrågasätta och tänka på egen hand. “If you’ve lived in a big city in the past year, been in crowded subways, in trams, in […]

Stupid PLANdemic Restrictions. Wake Up Sheep! Read the Full Article »

Texas Opening Up… Speculation and food for thought

I see a lot of people cheering the fact that Texas and several other states are “opening up”, removing CONAIDS-1984 restrictions. All these states are also the ones with the highest vaccination rates. This is good for them, lying and brainwashing you into believing that vaccines work. What worries me was the wording of the original statement, that they open up the states on the belief that people can take “responsibility” and still use

Texas Opening Up… Speculation and food for thought Read the Full Article »

The Corona Covid-19 SCAM – Test Kits sold in 2018!

MORE PROOF that the Covid-19 pandemic is a SCAM! TEST-KITS PATENTED in 2015 and SOLD in 2018! On October 13, 2015, a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild (The Rothschilds are the Jesuits war-bankers and they control the World Banks and own Reuters and most other media outlets – they control your ‘reality’, the flow of information).In 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of

The Corona Covid-19 SCAM – Test Kits sold in 2018! Read the Full Article »

SARS Covid-19 Variants are pure Bullocks!

With more people becoming aware that there is no emergency and there is no pandemic, the COVID manipulators are propagating more lies by inventing SARS variants and using them as fuel to continue the scamdemic. Apparently, there are now South African, UK and Californian variants of which you need to be very afraid. However, whether it’s new variants, spike proteins or other SARS-CoV-2 paraphernalia, all of these stories depend on a basic assumption: that

SARS Covid-19 Variants are pure Bullocks! Read the Full Article »

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 2: fraudulent laws for masks and fines, and dealing with ‘authorities’

The most important thing to know about Natural Law and how to practice it is that you should never do harm (or start a ‘fight’), that you should always be honorable, and always stand your ground in a calm and collected manner.Also, you should always identify as a free man or a free woman. You only answer to your creator, to God. Any government, company or other fictional character are beneath you. They have

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 2: fraudulent laws for masks and fines, and dealing with ‘authorities’ Read the Full Article »

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

Very Important Information for those interested in real science, and not the pseudoscience pushed by the lying agenda-driven media or the Rockefeller paid and fraudulent “medical science”. The CONvid-1984 virus has never been isolated, nor proven to exist – because no viruses exist outside of our bodies and they can not transmit disease! Wake up people! “None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) Read the Full Article »

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 1: your job and vaccines

Let’s start with a major concern – companies trying to get their employees to take the CONvid-1984 maiming vaccine for something that does not exist. First, it’s not a vaccine, it’s an experimental chemical cocktail pretending to be a medical procedure.If they want you to take the ‘vaccine’, do not go beyond your ability – your knowledge, understanding and communication skills of Natural Law. Don’t start with threatening people, don’t do statements, don’t get

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 1: your job and vaccines Read the Full Article »

The most educated people are the most indoctrinated

This is very true and I see it all around me. As for myself, I had to ‘unlearn” more than 17 years of “modern” medical studies, throw away the false germ theory, unlearn most of almost 30 years of nutritional study and much more. I had to face death to realize the truth of the terrain theory, the logic behind German New Medicine, and the power of fasting and animal-based nutrition to heal myself.

The most educated people are the most indoctrinated Read the Full Article »

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