Joachim Bartoll

Jesuit Puppet Donald Trump Launches Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020

“Operation Warp Speed was a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.” Of course, they must make it silly and use words from Star Trek.— “Helm, Warp One. Engage!” Let’s look at this story using their language of choice, gematria – combining the letter, with the number and the word. Operation Warp Speed: 266, 95Iesus Hominum Salvator: 266 […]

Jesuit Puppet Donald Trump Launches Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020 Read the Full Article »

May 3 and May 12, 2020. Training and Recovery Update with Q&A

Building muscle and shedding body fat. In my last post from April 14, I had re-gained about 7.3 kg (16lbs) since about February. In the last two weeks, although my back and ribcage were busted for 10 days, I gained another 2.2 kg and I’m now at 71.7 kg (158 lbs). Might not sound as much, but my old “bodybuilding” weight was usually between 72 and 76 kg when fairly ripped, and at 80

May 3 and May 12, 2020. Training and Recovery Update with Q&A Read the Full Article »

Know Your Poison: Deuterium

So far, we’ve dealt with two of more than a dozen antinutrients and defense chemicals found in plant ‘foods’ that we will cover in this article series. Next on the list is deuterium, a compound that most dieticians, nutritionists, doctors and clueless trainers don’t even know exists. Hydrogen comes in two “shapes”: we have regular hydrogen, which is actually called protium, and then we have deuterium. Deuterium has the same properties as hydrogen, except

Know Your Poison: Deuterium Read the Full Article »

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple?

As this mass hysteria about non-existing viruses and fake pandemics sweeps the world, I see a lot of posts about vitamin C and its ‘potential’ to ‘cure’ colds and ‘help’ your immune system against a ‘flu’.While it seems to help against colds in experiments, taking extra vitamin C is a really, really bad idea. I touched on this in my articles ‘the antioxidant scam’ and ‘more on skin care and the misinformation about Vitamin

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple? Read the Full Article »

No Virus Has Ever Been Isolated! Three Questions to Ask The Idiots.

If any indoctrinated doctor, or sheeple, goes on about the fake Coronavirus, please ask them to provide some proof of their statement by answering these three questions: Is there any electron micrograph of the pure and fully characterized virus? What is the name of the primary specialist peer-reviewed paper of which the virus is illustrated, and its full genetic information is described? What is the name of the primary publication that provides proof that

No Virus Has Ever Been Isolated! Three Questions to Ask The Idiots. Read the Full Article »

Know Your Poison: Goitrogens

Goitrogens are a number of chemical agents that come in various forms. You’ll find them in antibiotics, plastics, pesticides, NSAIDs, environment pollution, and in some plant-foods. Actually, all goitrogens are derived from naturally occurring plant pesticides called glucosinolates. Plants have three main types of goitrogens; goitrins, thiocyanates, and flavonoids. Goitrin is the result of the enzymatic breakdown of the glucosinolate called progoitrin. It targets thyroid peroxidase (TPO), which is an enzyme found in the

Know Your Poison: Goitrogens Read the Full Article »

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus

Have you studied the history of modern medicine? How Pasteur lied and manufactured false evidence of the germ theory and how one of the thirteen ruling bloodlines of Rockefeller ran with the idea and founded modern medicine? Have you looked into the germ theory and the healthy terrain? Or psychoneuroimmunology, physiology, the biome, pathogens, somatid’s (or microzyma’s), pleomorphism, chemistry, and mycotoxins? And what about sickness and secondary sickness? If you have an understanding of

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus Read the Full Article »

WHO declare Coronavirus a Pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the numbers!

This story broke on March 11, 2020, the 71st day of the year. Keep in mind that March 11 can be written 11/3, like 113. Coronavirus Pandemic: 113 And in the Talmud, Baba Kamma 113a, it says, “Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile”.Talmud: 71 (March 11, the 71st day of the year) And, what is the most Jewish branch of Freemasonry? Yes, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.Scottish: 113 And remember that

WHO declare Coronavirus a Pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the numbers! Read the Full Article »

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