Joachim Bartoll

SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now…

Remember the SyFy TV-series called Helix from 2014? It’s filled with Predictive Programming.A deadly disease outbreak, Viruses, Spike Proteins, Black Goo (nano/graphene oxide), 5G symbolism, Quarantine (essential workers), Changing DNA by proteins, silly face shields and masks, Order 322 (Freemason) symbolism, IRIS eye/portal symbolism, test everyone (no matter how inaccurate), ventilators, “the want to change us from the inside out”, the “cure” is untested on humans (starting to sound familiar yet?) Thank you EntertheStars […]

SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now… Read the Full Article »

Evil Klaus Schwab

World Economic Forum’s Cyber Pandemic 2021 Simulation

Deeply coded as part of their Agenda 21 and 2030 I’ve posted earlier about World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon 2021. This ‘exercise’ will simulate a fictional cyber-attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.” In my old post, I wrote, “This will most likely be their next step towards total control and a ‘reset’ of the economic system.”World Economic Forum was

World Economic Forum’s Cyber Pandemic 2021 Simulation Read the Full Article »

Robert Koch – Disinformation Agent of the 1800’s and founder of Medical Bacteriology

Robert Koch (11 December 1843 – 27 May 1910) was, after the charlatan Louis Pasteur, one of the leading forces behind the fake germ theory, and he destroyed the whole field of microbiology as he invented the pseudoscience of medical bacteriology. Thus, he added to the lies of bacterial infections and infectious diseases. The methods Koch used in bacteriology led to the falsehood of the medical concept known as Koch’s postulates, four generalized medical

Robert Koch – Disinformation Agent of the 1800’s and founder of Medical Bacteriology Read the Full Article »

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020

This post is about educating you further about the enormous importance of Gematria and that most “headline events” are staged and scripted.The core belief among all the cabals is that God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word.This knowledge is expressed in the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, or in English, in The Book of Formation. It states that God created his universe by three forms of

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020 Read the Full Article »

April 28, 2021. A short little life update – Weight Training

The last time I posted a little about my current life was on my birthday, 3 weeks ago. Nothing much changed, really. I’m still doing my own “mental work-load training/therapy” for healing the last bit of my brain injury (the small tumor I had in 2018, that was gone in 2019). Much of this “therapy” has been posting here on Facebook; exposing lies to help people to start questioning whatever is happening around them.

April 28, 2021. A short little life update – Weight Training Read the Full Article »

Jesuit Puppet Trump will run for President in 2024?

As always, everything is scripted by the numbers using Gematria. That is how they cast their spells and communicate.The Zionist loving Jesuit puppet Donald Trump was interviewed on April 20, 2021, which just happened to be the 110th day of the year and also Adolf Hitler’s birthday.President: 110Adolf Hitler: 110 The interview came 55 days before Trump’s birthday.Second Term: 55 2024 President: 55, 141, 602024 White House: 55, 141, 60 Trump said he is

Jesuit Puppet Trump will run for President in 2024? Read the Full Article »

Apocalypse of Ice – Another Predictive Programming and Conditioning piece of crap movie – and a few words on “Climate Change”

Oooh, the earth has been hit with an imaginary la-la-virus plandemic (sound familiar) and then, boom, a ‘climate crisis’ with a new ‘ice age’ looming. Yeah, we’ve seen similar programming in Snowpiercer and Train to Busan. This is just a hint to the weather modification that has been going on, especially in the US with longer and colder winters to force GMO crops on farmers and to hint on future food shortages. And also,

Apocalypse of Ice – Another Predictive Programming and Conditioning piece of crap movie – and a few words on “Climate Change” Read the Full Article »

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