More Weather Warfare: Vulcanic Eruption in South Pacific and Tsunami to Follow

An underwater volcano, ‘Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai,’ in the South Pacific erupted about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) southeast of Tonga’s Fonuafo’ou island, first erupted on Friday and a second time on Saturday around 5:26 p.m. local time. Only two numerical values are mentioned in the article. 18.6 miles = (1 + 8) . 6 = 9.6 = 96 Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai = 96 5:26 PM = 5 + 2 + 6 = 13South Pacific = 130 = 13 (as […]

More Weather Warfare: Vulcanic Eruption in South Pacific and Tsunami to Follow Read the Full Article »

Dow Jones falls 201 points, or 0.56%, January 14 in Joe Biden and Jesuit Ritual

This is just so in your face I cannot ignore it. 201 points? 0.56%, as in 56? Common! Joe Biden, the Jesuit educated puppet, was born on November 20, 1942. This fall of Dow Jones happened on January 14, exactly 56 days after Joe Bidens birthday. Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order) And 201 points… The Jesuit Order = 201 (201 is know as the Jesuit number) The exact number was

Dow Jones falls 201 points, or 0.56%, January 14 in Joe Biden and Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers

So, The Supreme Court blocked “President” Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirement aimed at large businesses, but allowed a vaccine mandate towards health care workers nationwide.Again, a very planned ritual, and step in the staged and fake pandemic. Those against being slaves and ‘forced’ to take a maiming, sterilizing and deadly vaccine will see this as a win – and especially those against the puppet Joe Biden. Meanwhile, health care workers will have to

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers Read the Full Article »

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual

Only one day after the “No Vax, Pay Tax,” ritualistic announcement, the province’s health minister claims that first-time appointments have spiked. Of course, my “bullshit-alarm” went off like no tomorrow. This is of course lies and just another ritual by the numbers. The headline reads as, “Canada says vaccine mandates work as Quebec’s ‘unvaxxed tax’ leads to spike in first-dose appointments.” “Unvaxxed tax,” eh? How very original to spell it with x’s. Of course,

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual Read the Full Article »

No vax, pay tax, says Canada as they go full New World Order

You know the saying, ‘never go full retard,’ unfortunately, that is what the world has been doing since the staged and fake pandemic surfaced in 2020.And now, Canada, just like Australia, is hinting on the next step in Agenda 2030, the next step to the New World Order, as they want to tax every real untouched and unaltered human beings with a fee no less than C$100 ($79.50.) If you read between the lines,

No vax, pay tax, says Canada as they go full New World Order Read the Full Article »

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March

Remember that Omicron is a Jesuit mastermind 666-ritual and that Pfizer announced on November 26 that it would have a vaccine ready to maim and kill in 100 days, which will be March 6, as in 3/6 or three sixes, as in 666. And yes, 3/6 as in 36, is the triangular number of 666! I covered that in this article. Also, March 6 would be in the time of Pisces and Omicron is

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March Read the Full Article »

Novak Djokovic, “Mr. 53,” Released on a Day With 53-Numerology. The Theatre Continues!

Please read my first article about this joke of a ritual here. It will make it easier to see how scripted this farce is. Novak Djokovic, aka. “Mr. 53,” was released from Australian immigration detention on Monday (Jan 10), a day with 53- and 33-numerology. You just can’t make all this shit up! It’s hilarious! And there’s still diet-woke people and of course shills and controlled opposition that is calling him a hero! He’s

Novak Djokovic, “Mr. 53,” Released on a Day With 53-Numerology. The Theatre Continues! Read the Full Article »

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Test Positive for Fake Covid in Another 19-Ritual

On this same day you had the 19-story building Bronx fire that initially killed “at least 19 people” and the death of ‘Bob’ Saget where ‘Bob’ equates to 19, we have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was born in Bronx, test positive for Covid-19 on a date written 1/9 as in 19. Yes, so many 19-rituals on the same date it’s hilarious! And her name is abbreviated to AOC, which ALL news outlets use, because… AOC

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Test Positive for Fake Covid in Another 19-Ritual Read the Full Article »

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