September 2022

Biden Speaks of 12-Year-Old Children, Russians Allegedly Flee Russia, and Fake Starlink is in the News

Accompanied with some archive photos and video footage from some old and long forgotten traffic jam, the mainstream media paints the pictures of Russians fleeing their country and getting stuck In traffic after Putin’s announcement for partial mobilization (calling in reserves for the staged and totally fake war in Ukraine.) Remember, pictures and video footage in “News” coverages does not represent an actual event, they are picked and used to ‘illustrate’ the story written […]

Biden Speaks of 12-Year-Old Children, Russians Allegedly Flee Russia, and Fake Starlink is in the News Read the Full Article »

Alex Jones ‘Grilled’ by Sandy Hook Families’ Lawyer Over ‘Hoax’ Claims

As you should know by now, all ‘school-’ and ‘mass-’ shootings are staged by the police and the government using crisis actors and members belonging to Freemasonry. They are totally fake events staged to further their agendas of surveillance and removal of your rights and freedom, and to keep people in fear and to be suspicious and hateful of anyone questioning this, as we will get to.As more people become aware of these hoaxes

Alex Jones ‘Grilled’ by Sandy Hook Families’ Lawyer Over ‘Hoax’ Claims Read the Full Article »

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022, Part II

As the first article in this new series was well-received and actually wildly shared in forums and on social media, I decided on a quick follow-up while I have the time and energy. And in the future, I will most likely do one or two of these a week. If you enjoy these free articles, consider sponsoring my work by donating at the ‘buy me a coffee’ platform, or sign up for our uncensored

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022, Part II Read the Full Article »

Russia’s Alleged Mobilization and Biden Heading Off Fake Nuclear Crisis

September 21 continued in its tracks with the escalation of the staged and very fake war in Ukraine. As you probably know by now, the “Ukraine War” is simply a part of Agenda 2030 and the hidden hand’s reenactment of the Book of Revelation, where Barack Obama is playing the role of the Antichrist. This clue in the riddle is easily discovered if you know their hidden language of gematria, as “Ukraine War” is

Russia’s Alleged Mobilization and Biden Heading Off Fake Nuclear Crisis Read the Full Article »

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022

As you probably know, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding took a sharp turn

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022 Read the Full Article »

Explosion inside Chicago Apartment Building – Freemasonic Satanic Ritual Connected to Obama and the Georgia Guidestones – Updated!

The London Bridge Operation is over, the Queen’s funeral has come to an end, and we’re back to their old shenanigans again. This time we have a pre-planned and scripted explosion of an apartment building in Chicago, all done by the numbers. This explosion happened on Tuesday, September 20, a day leaving 102-days remaining in the year. It happened in an apartment building in South Austin, Chicago. Apartment Building = 102 (and 78, 273)South Austin,

Explosion inside Chicago Apartment Building – Freemasonic Satanic Ritual Connected to Obama and the Georgia Guidestones – Updated! Read the Full Article »

Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Hits Mexico just after the Queen’s Funeral

As I said a few days back, and yesterday, it’s been a very quiet week in the media as the Queen’s funeral has taken place, but that would change as soon and the funeral was over. And here we are with power outages as a typhoon brings record rain to Japan and with a man-made earthquake in Mexico – and that on the same day as the earthquake 5 years ago, and on the

Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Hits Mexico just after the Queen’s Funeral Read the Full Article »

China Claims Fake Monkeypox Case and Fuels Xenophobia

It’s been really slow in the mainstream media since they announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Today however, as it is the final day of the funeral, that will change. Anyway, as for yesterday, they just had to go with all the fake viruses yet again – to remind us of these non-existing threats. It’s not enough to keep people worrying about gas and food costs or shortages, or their next electrical bill;

China Claims Fake Monkeypox Case and Fuels Xenophobia Read the Full Article »

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